Interface methods of internal class not defined in IR

Hi there,

We are using a .NET library which comprises of several classes marked
internal where each class exposes functionality through an interface.
When attempting to call on these objects in IR, we get an “undefined
method” exception. Is there a way to access the interface members of
the class when it’s internal?

I’ve created the following example to reproduce:

******* In C#:

using System;

namespace HelloWorldApp
public class HelloFactory
public IHelloWorld NewWorld()
return new HelloWorld();

public interface IHelloWorld
    void SayHello();

internal class HelloWorld: IHelloWorld // NOTE THE INTERNAL MODIFIER
    public void SayHello()
        throw new NotImplementedException();


******* In Ruby:
require “HelloWorldApp.dll”

class HelloWorldApp::HelloWorld
def say_hello
puts “Hello!!”

@hello_factory =
@hello_app = @hello_factory.new_world

puts “hello_app should be HelloWorldApp::IHelloWorld but was

In this example, I expect the system to puts “Hello!!”, but instead it
throws the “undefined method” exception. If I run IR with the
PrivateBindings option it works, but it seems like a workaround I
shouldn’t have to do, because i’m passing the instance from C# to IR
as the interfaced type (my conclusion therefore being it should be
able to access it)

Any help appreciated.


You are right - it should work. We know about this issue. I’ll look at
fixing it soon, maybe this week.
