jQuery UI with Rails

This has to do more with Rails than jQuery so I am posting it here. I
am using jQuery UI widgets in my application. One of the CSS file is
called ui.theme.css which has references to background-image as shown

.ui-widget-content .ui-icon {background-image:
url(images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png)/{iconsContent}/; }

Following Rails conventions, I put the stylesheets in public/stylesheets
and javascripts in public/javascripts directories.

Trouble is: this creates problems in terms of background images not
loading correctly, I have to change the aforementioned line to:

.ui-widget-content .ui-icon {background-image:
url(’/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png’)/{iconsContent}/; }

In other words, put a forward slash “/” in front of the images and put
the whole uri string in quotes for Rails to load it correctly. This
seems like a lot of work for no good reason. Any advice on how to get
around it without having to modify the CSS files?




On May 9, 2009, at 6:53 PM, Bharat R. wrote:

seems like a lot of work for no good reason. Any advice on how to get
around it without having to modify the CSS files?

I don’t think it’s a Rails thing. I think it’s the way URLs are
resolved into physical pathnames by Web servers. A document-relative
URL is always (AFAIK) going to load the specified resource relative to
the directory in which the current document exists by default. Because
Rails “fakes” a rather deeper directory structure using routing, the
only time a server will try to load a resource like images/ui-
icons_22222_256x240.png from public/images is if your are looking at a
document called ‘/’.

There are several ways to approach this. I humbly call them the
expensive way, the cheap-but-brittle way, and the Apache way.

Expensive way: Put code in your routes.rb to snag the request for your
ui-icons and map them to the correct directory. Why not? Because they
all of a sudden become dynamic resources and expensive to serve.

Cheap-but-brittle way: Make the change to the CSS and get on with it.
That’s what I do and I believe it’s pretty common practice. When you
upgrade versions, it’s brittle, shatters into a million pieces, but
it’s easy to spot.

Apache way: Write some keen rewrite rule that recognizes your jQ-UI
resource and maps it to the correct location no matter where your
document exists.

Obviously there are variants for nginx and there might even be some
keen Metal solution I haven’t thought of. But really, overthinking
this one won’t get you to done much quicker.

Good luck.

Bharat R. wrote:

"Cheap-but-brittle way: Make the change to the CSS and get on with
That’s what I do and I believe it’s pretty common practice. When you
upgrade versions, it’s brittle, shatters into a million pieces, but
it’s easy to spot. "

I don’t remember: will affect URLs in CSS? I think not, but
it might be worth a try.

Thank you. I will go with this route, already have. I can see that
Mr. Yahuda Katz has his work cut out for him for Rails 3.0. After
all, he is the jQuery man :slight_smile: I hope he makes jQuery a first class
Rails citizen instead of the rather unwelcome guest which it currently
is in Rails world.

I’ve never used jQuery, but it seems to me that this would be a serious
problem with the framework. I don’t think a general-purpose JS
framework should have hard-coded image URLs in its stylesheets – that’s
just way too brittle, for exactly the reasons you’re running into. I’ve
been thinking about playing with jQuery, but this seems like such a bad
idea that I wonder if I should even touch the framework!


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

I caution you not to jump to conclusions. This is due to jQuery UI
themes that is not part of the core jQuery library. So you can still
get a lot done without having to do what I had to do. Even without the
CSS magic, the core functionality is working fine :slight_smile: But it is clear to
me that either Rails or jQuery are not particularly tailored for each
other at this point. Though, Yahuda Katz, who is now on Rails 3 core
team as well as jQuery teams is bound to do something to make things

On the plus side though, the jQuery API is so well designed and
implemented that I am rather enjoying coding in client side Javascript
which I did not particularly care for in the original Rails Javascript
frameworks, Protoype and Scriptaculous :slight_smile:

"Cheap-but-brittle way: Make the change to the CSS and get on with
That’s what I do and I believe it’s pretty common practice. When you
upgrade versions, it’s brittle, shatters into a million pieces, but
it’s easy to spot. "

Thank you. I will go with this route, already have. I can see that
Mr. Yahuda Katz has his work cut out for him for Rails 3.0. After
all, he is the jQuery man :slight_smile: I hope he makes jQuery a first class
Rails citizen instead of the rather unwelcome guest which it currently
is in Rails world.