Ajax submit question

Is there a way to do an ajax submit but only send the values in an
embedded form inside a form?

I have to do an ajax submit with multiple companies and I get this
being submitted for the post:

companyid 1
companyid 2
companyid 3

If I have multiple submits possible but I need to be able to get the
appropriate company id that is submitted.

On May 3, 6:41 am, Me [email protected] wrote:

Is there a way to do an ajax submit but only send the values in an
embedded form inside a form?

nested forms are not allowed by the html standard. When making an ajax
request you can however submit an arbitrary element to submit.


I have been using fields_for for my inline ajax forms. How do submit
fields using a button_to_function?
I have several inline forms using ajax calls to do CRUD for my contact

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Frederick C.
<[email protected]

I have this ajax form that could be disaplyed multiple times on the
If it is displayed multiple times when i do the ajax submit I get those
same fields submitted. Is there a way to differentiate between them

<% fields_for :site do |f|%>
<%= f.text_field “company”,’’, :size => ‘6’ %>
<%= f.text_field “Customer”,’’, :size => ‘6’ %>
<%= hidden_field_tag ‘companyid’,’’, :value => @company.id %>
<%= submit_to_remote ‘addsite’,‘Add Site’, :url => { :controller =>
‘addsites’, :action => ‘addsitetomop’, :id=> @mop }%>

<% end %>

In firebug this is what it looks like:


If I do a “button_to_function remote_function” is there a way to send
text fields values across?

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Frederick C.
<[email protected]