DRB errors running rake pre_commit

Hi list,

I checked out the rspec-dev repository on a MBP (Leopard) and tried to
run the pre_commit task after going through the setup/configuration
steps on http://wiki.github.com/dchelimsky/rspec/contribute.

I’m getting DRB errors related to script/spec_server when running
specs: Address already in use - bind(2) (Errno::EADDRINUSE). Running
lsof -i tcp:8989 shows:

ruby 9674 douglas 5u IPv4 0x6538a68 0t0 TCP
localhost:sunwebadmins (LISTEN)

I’ve tried changing the DRB port to 20111 and running rake pre_commit
again but the same problem comes up. Is this something people have
come across before?

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 2:11 AM, Doug [email protected] wrote:

ruby 9674 douglas 5u IPv4 0x6538a68 0t0 TCP
localhost:sunwebadmins (LISTEN)

I’ve tried changing the DRB port to 20111 and running rake pre_commit
again but the same problem comes up. Is this something people have
come across before?

I actually just noticed it a couple of days ago. I was able to resolve
it by building and installing the rspec gem, so there is an apparent
dependency on that being present. We’re going to be re-vamping (read
simplifying) the whole rspec-dev setup in the next month or so, so
I’m not going to try to fix this right now, but installing the gem
should solve it for you.


Thanks David, that did it for me.