I cant run the capify. command in my ubuntu machine

i am the lastest rails release 2.3.2 and when i try to run
capify.command i get this error

pedro@pedroC:~/railsapp$ sudo gem install capistrano
Successfully installed net-ssh-2.0.11
Successfully installed net-sftp-2.0.2
Successfully installed net-scp-1.0.2
Successfully installed net-ssh-gateway-1.0.1
Successfully installed highline-1.5.0
Successfully installed capistrano-2.5.5
6 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for net-ssh-2.0.11…
Installing ri documentation for net-sftp-2.0.2…
Installing ri documentation for net-scp-1.0.2…
Installing ri documentation for net-ssh-gateway-1.0.1…
Installing ri documentation for highline-1.5.0…
Installing ri documentation for capistrano-2.5.5…
Installing RDoc documentation for net-ssh-2.0.11…
Installing RDoc documentation for net-sftp-2.0.2…
Installing RDoc documentation for net-scp-1.0.2…
Installing RDoc documentation for net-ssh-gateway-1.0.1…
Installing RDoc documentation for highline-1.5.0…
Installing RDoc documentation for capistrano-2.5.5…
pedro@pedroC:~/railsapp$ cd test
pedro@pedroC:~/railsapp/test$ capify
Please specify the directory to capify, e.g. capify .' pedro@pedroC:~/railsapp/test$ sudo capify Please specify the directory to capify, e.g.capify .’
pedro@pedroC:~/railsapp/test$ cap capify
the task `capify’ does not exist

please help me!!!

pedro@pedroC:~/railsapp/test$ capify
Please specify the directory to capify, e.g. `capify .’

try instead runing:

capify .

note the space and dot at the end.