Integrate test process with Rspec and Cucumber in a plugin using Desert

Hello, I’m developing some rails plugins with desert, and I would like
to use tests with RSpec and Cucumber in the development. RSpec is
integrated by default in Desert plugins, but it gives me some bugs.
Finally I have created a minimal application which use my plugin, and
I try to test it like a normal application without plugin. But I
dislike that solution, the plugin lost its modularity, and RSpec still
returns me some bugs (he can’t find the models/views/controllers
located in the plugin…).
So has anyone ever tried to test a Desert plugin (or even in a classic
plugin) and could get solutions to those matters ?

Are you require’ing all of the files it can’t find inside spec_helper?
I’ve never done anything with Desert, but sounds like the files aren’t
being required.

Some code would help diagnose the issue.