Form.collection_select utilizing CONSTANT string array?

Hello RoR World-

i’ve defined a number of string arrays in /lib/valid.rb which i’m
using to validate input for various fields, e.g.

module VALID
TITLES = [ ‘Mr.’, ‘Mrs.’, ‘Ms.’, ‘Dr.’, ‘Sir’, ‘RoRN00b’, ‘PhD.’,
‘DHH’ ]

In my models I’ve done the following, which is working great for my
(from …/models/client.rb)
include VALID
validates_inclusion_of :title,
:in => TITLES,
:message => ‘%s is Invalid - please enter a valid Title.’

Now I’d like to simplify my user’s lives by utilizing these same
constants as the basis of my collection_selects in my assorted
partials, e.g.
(from …/views/clients/_form.erb)
<%= form.collection_select( :title, TITLES.all, TITLES[], TITLES[] )%>

My two questions:

  1. I’m receiving the error:
    uninitialized constant ActionView::Base::CompiledTemplates::TITLES
    despite having my obligatory ‘include VALID’ statement in my client.rb
    model; tried adding to controller, no joy.

  2. I’m sure my collection_select syntax above is broken; if/when i
    get past the unintialized constant error i’m sure I can sort it
    relatively quickly (i hope), but if anyone’s done this before and
    cares to share their code-fu I’d appreciate it.

Thanks much-
–Jeff Coon

Believe that
<%= :title, options_for_select(TITLE), { :prompt =>
true } ) should work, if I can get the TITLES constant to be



The containing module for the ERB code isn’t the model or the
controller, it’s part of ActionView::Base.

Try explicitly qualifying the constant as Client::TITLES.

Also, module names are not traditionally spelled in all-caps, but
that’s just a style thing.

–Matt J.

Hi Matt-

Thanks much – qualifying fixed it.

    <%= :title, Contact::TITLES, { :prompt => true } )


Really appreciate the quick tip-