Proxy_cache_valid question

Hello Community,

Is it possible to assign different proxy_cache_valid values for
different file extensions? So for example .jpg could live in the cache
for 7 days, but .js files would only live for 6 hours?

I guess you could do this with multiple location directives, just don’t
know exactly how or if it is supported.



On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:27:46PM -0500, Resicow wrote:

Hello Community,

Is it possible to assign different proxy_cache_valid values for
different file extensions? So for example .jpg could live in the cache
for 7 days, but .js files would only live for 6 hours?

I guess you could do this with multiple location directives, just don’t
know exactly how or if it is supported.

location ~ \.jpg$ {
    proxy_pass         ...;
    proxy_cache        ...;
    proxy_cache_valid  200 7d;

location ~ \.js$ {
    proxy_pass         ...;
    proxy_cache        ...;
    proxy_cache_valid  200 6h;

Thanks Igor,

Just want to confirm that the proxy_cache zone can be the same, so we
can set different proxy_cache_valid 200 values for keys in the same
proxy_cache zone?



On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 01:06:20PM -0500, Resicow wrote:

Thanks Igor,

Just want to confirm that the proxy_cache zone can be the same, so we
can set different proxy_cache_valid 200 values for keys in the same
proxy_cache zone?

Yes, proxy_cache zone can be the same.