Error 499 nginx + php-fpm

I was using php fast cgi before. Just installed a fresh machine with the
same config and replaced php-fastcgi with php-fpm. Now my access logs
return status 499 for 20% of the connections. The whole thing works
for 5 minutes, then for next one minute it throws 499 status, and then
reverts back to normal status.

I do understand that 499 is generated when client closes the connection
before server responds. However that doesn’t seem to be appropriate for
situations. Moving back to the old server - makes every thing normal.


I have the same problem

nginx 0.7.60 + php5-fpm (PHP 5.2.8 + PHP-FPM 0.5.10)

Posted at Nginx Forum:

For me following option helped:

proxy_ignore_client_abort on;

Don’t know if this is safe.

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:34:10AM -0400, funkdoobiest wrote:

For me following option helped:

proxy_ignore_client_abort on;

Don’t know if this is safe.

It’s not forum but mailing list, so it isn’t a good idea to
replicate your message serveral times.

Maxim D.