Code Review: Operators4

tfpt review “/shelveset:Operators4;REDMOND\tomat”

Outer DLR, Python:
Factors MethodCandidate construction out to a separate class
Replaces OverloadResolver.BindSpecialParameter and
PrepareParameterBinding with a single method MapSpecialParameters.
Languages can override this method to process custom special parameters
(CodeContext, site local storage, blocks, etc. …). The implementation
works with ParameterMapping and adds arg-builders and parameter wrappers
to the collections encapsulated in it. It returns a bitmap of parameters
that indicate what parameters were processed. The mapping is then
finished by constructing the remaining parameters.

Adds support for .NET operators (op_* special methods). These methods
behave like extension methods so some adjustments were needed in
RubyOverloadResolver to handle “self” correctly.

Implements bitwise operators on flag enums: each flag enum gets a
FlagEnumeration mixin that includes &, |, ^, and ~ methods. The
implementation is the same as Python have so I factored it out to
EnumUtils in DLR.

Fixes implementation of RubyObject.ToString and Kernel#to_s so that
“to_s” is called from ToString on Ruby objects and ToString is called
from Kernel#to_s for .NET objects. Also implements ToString on built-ins
where it was missing and it makes sense to have it: range and regex.
Although Array and Hash implement to_s as well the result is a plain
concatenation of string representation of their items (entires). E.g.
[“a b”, “c”].to_s == “a bc”. I don’t think adding
RubyArray/Hash.ToString doing the same would be useful for .NET users.

Moves Protocols from libraries to IronRuby.dll.
