Running a script on a users PC

I am researching a new rails app that would like to create. One
feature of the app will allow users to select a ruby script and run it
on their local machine. However I’m not sure how to implement this.

There are a few points that I’m not sure how to approach:

  1. How to store the script to be executed on the users PC. As text in
    the DB or as a file in the DB (Can a file be stored in a DB) Or as a
    file in the apps file structure.
  2. How to get the script to the users PC and start it running. (The
    users PC will have Ruby installed).
  3. How to report back the result of running the script.

On Apr 10, 11:41 am, jmac [email protected] wrote:

I am researching a new rails app that would like to create. One
feature of the app will allow users to select a ruby script and run it
on their local machine. However I’m not sure how to implement this.

There are a few points that I’m not sure how to approach:

  1. How to store the script to be executed on the users PC. As text in
    the DB or as a file in the DB (Can a file be stored in a DB) Or as a
    file in the apps file structure.

You could either store the contents of the file in the database or
store the file somewhere and keep the path to that file in the

  1. How to get the script to the users PC and start it running. (The
    users PC will have Ruby installed).

This is likely to be tricky - It would obviously be a major security
flaw if random websites could run arbitrary ruby scripts on your
If you just want people to play around with ruby rather than have
access to any local resources (file system, network etc…) you might
be interested in the jruby applet.
