Single table inheritance and find(:all) in parent

I understand how STI works, in that I have say a Post model that
contains posts on a forum and several sub-posts like
‘ordinaryUserPost’ and ‘adminUserPost’ etc.

Now, I want to define the same method in each of the sub-posts, but
the method would do something different in each case, eg

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

class AdminUserPost < Post
def background_color
‘rockstar red’

class ordinaryUserPost < Post
def background_color
‘pale blue’

(yes its a silly example). Now in my thread controller I do Post.find
(:all) and it gives me a list of posts I need to render, but they are
‘Post’ objects, not AdminUserPost or OrdinaryUserPost - so I cannot
just get my background_color method! I would have to do a find on
each type of user post separately …

Is there anyway I can do:


And in the resultant array get a list of AdminUserPost and
OrdinaryUserPost objects instead of Post objects?



On Apr 8, 8:37 pm, “stephen O’D” [email protected] wrote:

Is there anyway I can do:


And in the resultant array get a list of AdminUserPost and
OrdinaryUserPost objects instead of Post objects?

That’s the way it should work out of the box. Would be interesting to
see the data / code that results in this not happening.


That’s the way it should work out of the box. Would be interesting to
see the data / code that results in this not happening.

I was being stupid - put my type column was actually called post_type,
and I added self.inheritance_column = '‘post_type’ in all the child
classes, but forgot the parent!