What does the ' %s ' mean?

Hi there,

can anyone explain to me how I have to understand the:


in the following code line:

yield :error, “There was a problem resending your activation code,
please try again or %s.”, “resend_activation_path”

Whant does it stand for, what does it mean, what does it do?


Tom Ha wrote:

yield :error, “There was a problem resending your activation code,
please try again or %s.”, “resend_activation_path”

Whant does it stand for, what does it mean, what does it do?

Google for “printf”, alone.

2009/4/9 Tom Ha [email protected]

please try again or %s.", “resend_activation_path”

Whant does it stand for, what does it mean, what does it do?

I’m not familiar with that particular bit of code, but I think this
to the “%” method for String classes in ruby. See
class String - RDoc Documentation .

This is ruby’s way of doing format control letters and modifiers. If
programmed in C etc or something like awk, you often use these in print
statements (eg printf) to format strings and numbers etc.
Whenever I have to look these up I check out the gawk reference - here’s

Simple example in ruby:

“foo%s” % “bar”
=> “foobar”

“foo%05d” % 1
=> “foo00001”

Daniel B.


Thanks a lot!