Models relations definition

Hi, got an issue here ^^ Ok so my problem is that I have a table named
“users_accounts” and another one named “accounts_messages”. As you
will guess, accounts_messages is a list of messages that
“users_accounts” can interchange. Here comes my problem:
for each message I need to know who is the autor and the destinator,
so in “accounts_messages” I have two parameters which are:
autor_user_account_id (refers to the autor account) and
user_account_id (refers to the destinator account).

So in my AccountMessage ruby model class I want to refer two times to
the users_accounts table. How do I do that? More precisely my question
is how do I do to keep the relation navigability for the two
parameters? If I declare those two lines:
class AccountMessage < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :autor_user_account
belongs_to :user_account



obviously autor_user_account wont refer alone to the UserAccount
class. So how can I declare those two parameters in order to use them
that way for exemple:

message = AccountMessage.find(…)
printf “autor name: #{}”
printf “destinator name: #{}”

We supose here that the “users_accounts” table has a name property of

Hope it’s understandable :slight_smile:

the users_accounts table. How do I do that? More precisely my question
is how do I do to keep the relation navigability for the two
parameters? If I declare those two lines:
class AccountMessage < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :autor_user_account
belongs_to :user_account


Look into the :class_name and :foreign_key parameters that go along
with belongs_to/has_one/has_many.

Specify the class name of the association. Use it only if that
name can‘t be inferred from the association name. So has_one :author
will by default be linked to the Author class, but if the real class
name is Person, you‘ll have to specify it with this option.

Specify the foreign key used for the association. By default this
is guessed to be the name of the association with an “_id” suffix. So
a class that defines a belongs_to :person association will use
“person_id” as the default :foreign_key. Similarly,
belongs_to :favorite_person, :class_name => “Person” will use a
foreign key of “favorite_person_id”.

Great, thank you very mucho for the help! ^^