Getting the file a scenario is defined in (Cucumber)

In Cucumber…
Is there a simple way to find out what file a scenario is defined in?

I’d like to use this information to load a set of fixtures depending on
which feature is being run. So if I’m running the ‘login.feature’ file,
I’d like to be able to load the set of fixtures under


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Kevin O. [email protected]

In Cucumber…
Is there a simple way to find out what file a scenario is defined in?

No, but there is a dirty way:

Before do |scenario|
f = scenario.instance_variable_get(‘@feature’)
if f
puts f.file

The scenario variable will be a Scnario, ScenarioOutline or ExampleCells
instance. In the latter case there is no @feature ivar.
Please file a feature request (or better yet - a patch) if you want to
this improved.

Also take a look at this ticket - maybe a cleaner way to achieve what
