[ANN] ActiveRecord Oracle enhanced adapter now supports JRuby

I wanted to announce that ActiveRecord Oracle enhanced adapter
(which initially was fork of original Oracle adapter for MRI) now also
works on JRuby / JDBC as well as on Ruby 1.9.1 -
Why Oracle enhanced adapter might be better alternative to standard JDBC
adapter for JRuby on Rails on Oracle applications?

  • It wil be less risky to develop application on one platform (e.g. MRI
    Ruby/YARV 1.9) and deploy on another (e.g. JRuby) as you will use the
    adapter which generates the same SQL statements
  • Oracle enhanced adapter has many additional features (http://
    wiki.github.com/rsim/oracle-enhanced/usage) that are especially
    using Rails on top of legacy Oracle database schemas
  • Oracle enhanced adapter is passing all ActiveRecord unit tests (after
    patching of them to disable tests that generate Oracle incompatible SQL)
  • It is written just in Ruby and is specialized just for Oracle
    and therefore will be easier to understand in case of troubleshooting :slight_smile:

Please try it out and give your feedback either here or at Oracle
adapter discussion group


I’ve been praying for this - will try your adapter NOW ! :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot!

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Raimonds Simanovskis <