Urgent: activerecord-jdbc-0.9.1 doesn't "see" tables or views in another schema and MRI doesn't hav

Hi all.
I have a very peculiar problem that I’m not remotely capable of solving
so it seems…): my application uses Oracle 10g database and, for safety
manageability reasons, has to use an user that is not the owner of the
production schema - and this policy is set in stone here, no way to
it (not that I would want it anyway, since I agree with it and we’ve
had any kind of trouble before).

To make things easier, the DBA created a logon trigger to the app’s user
(let’s suppose the name of the app user is “my_app_user”) that does
something like this:

alter session set current_schema = ‘app_production_schema’

So, when the application logs on to the database using ‘my_app_user’,
trigger makes the tables, views and sequences of ‘app_production_schema’
readily available to ‘my_app_user’ without the need to use stuff like
set_table_name = ‘app_production_schema.my_table’ in every model.

Now, here’s the catch: it’s been working like a charm with MRI and the
activerecord-oracle-adapter- - no problem at all, as everyone
would expect. But, when I try to run the application in JRuby 1.2.0 +
activerecord-jdbc-adapter-0.9.1, I get messages like “Table ORGAOS does
exist” for all tables and views of the application!

And things get worse - here’s my situation: I’ve had just “fallen in
with Ruby on Rails when I was designated to “convert” this application
(already in production for quite some time) to JRuby, since my
(I work for government, by the way), for now, can’t handle managing more
than one kind of app server or deployment environment because of the
size of the team running the everyday management duties related to
machines, physical and logical network config, and app servers.

I had to learn some RoR, then JRuby (and the “ecosystem” around it) and
finaly managed to make everything work in development environment (keep
mind I don’t know jack of Java language and didn’t know anything about
Tomcat and the like when the project started).

Problem is, the homologation (and permission to use in future projects)
the whole (J)Ruby on Rails platform is pending on the success of this
particular “conversion” project, since this court doesn’t want to keep
Apache + mod_rails + Mongrel + Webistrano setup - meaning the app has to
run, at the least, in Tomcat using JNDI. But I suppose it is not
possible if
I can’t see any tables on the production schema when I run JRuby +
Mongrel… And the deadline to deliver the application with some load
stress tests is this March 25 already.

There are already other government organisations in my country very
interested in the results of this project, since they want to experiment
with JRuby on Rails but they would like to not waste the same
amount of time I did to get around the pitfalls of this endeavour.

When this problem first appeared, I was using JRuby 1.1.6,
activerecord-jdbc-adapter-0.8.2 and Ruby on Rails 1.2.3. Just to be sure
was not being the victim of obsolete stuff, I gave myself the trouble of
converting this app to RoR 2.1.2 so I could plug JRuby 1.2.0RC1 and the
“trunk” of activerecord-jdbc-adapter from GitHub (version 0.9.1 had not
been released…). And the problem persisted.

After that, I did some runs with ar-jdbc-adapter 0.8.2, 0.9 and 0.9.1,
with the same results. Then, I removed the plugins of the application
(classic_pagination, acts_as_list and the latest version of
acts_as_paranoid) just to be sure they weren’t getting in the way (I’ve
some bad experience with redhillonrails-core plugin provoking similar
and did the same three runs - getting the same results. Since my machine
hideously slow (can’t even use and IDE), it took a hell of a lot of time
just to do that. Finally, after looking at the stack trace and at the
involved, I finally gave up - I don’t know jack of Java (I did look at
and its columns_internal method), my knowledge about the guts of the
Database Engine is non-existent and my knowledge of the internals of the
framework is kinda small yet. And I don’t have the mental stamina or
time to
keep going at it anymore since I still must get other projects rolling
the same time.

Right now, I’m near desperate and kinda sorry for bothering you with
such a
long post, but I didn’t know what to do. I fear a complete fiasco
because of
this bug, and people around the whole country did use this application
already to great success and satisfaction (running in MRI and Rails
of course) and I fear thousands of users will lose this application -
will have to be converted to Java, after only God knows how much time,
it is quite big for a RoR app (and will get even bigger in Java, I’m
sure ;p
). And, while my official deadline is March 25, I have to plan and
load and stress tests and, since it is the first time I do that (do you
notice a sad trend here?), I think I would need a solution by March 23.

Me thinks it’s about time I present you a couple stack traces (without
plugins in the application already):

first exception: Table ORGAOS does not exist (ORGAOS is a view in fact)

columns' D:/RDev/interpreters/jruby/releases/jruby-1.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.1.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1157:incolumns_hash’
find_one' D:/RDev/interpreters/jruby/releases/jruby-1.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.1.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1366:infind_from_ids’
find' app/controllers/adm_controller.rb:28:incge’
:1:in `initialize’

second exception: Table QUESTIONARIOS does not exist (QUESTIONARIOS is
a normal table)

columns' D:/RDev/interpreters/jruby/releases/jruby-1.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.1.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1162:incolumn_names’
(DELEGATION):2:in column_names' app/controllers/questionarios_controller.rb:30:inlist’
:1:in `initialize’

Note: I tried to use set_table_name “<schema_name>.orgaos” and
set_table_name “<schema_name>.questionarios” and got the exact same
results. Again, that problem doesn’t occur with MRI +

I think it is somewhat disturbing the fact that
activerecord-jdbc-adapter doesn’t appear in any of those stack-traces,
although I could be very wrong. And both of them end in the method
‘columns’ of ActiveRecord::Base.

A very small clue that I got while examining
activerecord-oracle-adapter whas this: it treats the names of synonyms
in a much different way than it treats the name of other objects. Take
a look at this code:

def columns(table_name, name = nil) #:nodoc:

(owner, table_name) = connection.describe(table_name)

…lots of other code…


def describe(name)

@desc ||= @@env.alloc(OCIDescribe)

@desc.attrSet(OCI_ATTR_DESC_PUBLIC, -1) if VERSION >= ‘0.1.14’

@desc.describeAny(@svc, name.to_s, OCI_PTYPE_UNK) rescue raise
%Q{“DESC #{name}” failed; does it exist?}

info = @desc.attrGet(OCI_ATTR_PARAM)

case info.attrGet(OCI_ATTR_PTYPE)


owner      = info.attrGet(OCI_ATTR_OBJ_SCHEMA)

table_name = info.attrGet(OCI_ATTR_OBJ_NAME)

[owner, table_name]


schema = info.attrGet(OCI_ATTR_SCHEMA_NAME)

name   = info.attrGet(OCI_ATTR_NAME)

describe(schema + '.' + name)

else raise %Q{“DESC #{name}” failed; not a table or view.}



Could it be possible that, behind the stage, the Oracle Database
Engine does the “magic” of alter session set current_schema =
“prod_schema” automatically creating a lot of synonyms for my user? If
that is the case (and I’m wild guessing here, I don’t know jack of the
Oracle engine), could the problem be that ar-jdbc doesn’t
retrieve/treat the names differently like ar-oracle-adapter? Or
ar-jdbc reads meta-data in a place different form where ar-oracle does

  • and the app user doesn’t have the necessary permissions?

Last, there is a very minor bug and a suggestion to be made - first,
the minor bug: I thought the following lines weren’t needed in
environment.rb if I’m using Rails 2.1.2:

if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/
  require 'rubygems'
  gem 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter', '0.9.1'
  require 'jdbc_adapter'

But I have to keep them, or I get the “uninitialized constant
ActiveRecord::VERSION (NameError)” exception - stack trace follows:

load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::VERSION (NameError) from /jruby-1.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:468:inconst_missing’
require' from /jruby-1.2.0/bin/../lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:inrequire’
require' from /jruby-1.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:355:innew_constants_in’
require' from /jruby-1.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-jdbc-adapter-0.9.1/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_adapter.rb:1 ... 36 levels... from /jruby-1.2.0/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.1.2/lib/commands/server.rb:31:inrequire’
from script\server:3

And, finally, the suggestion (feature request): could we have an easy,
quick “schema” parameter in database.yml? Something like:

adapter: oracle
port: <usually 1521>

Since I come from Delphi, I really can’t get over the fact that I
can’t just configure my working schema with whatever user in a quick &
easy way like I used to (I used the Direct Oracle Access components
and I could config user_name, pass, connection string - or
TNSNAMES.ORA alias - and working schema on my OracleSession object).
We, Oracle users, are not to blame if Oracle uses a database address (
a SID) and a schema address on top of that… =)

Sorry for the terribly long post. I really appreciate the attention
and, if I need to give any extra details or do any further
investigation, I’ll gladly do it - and I’ll be lurking my Inbox this


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Renato Santos
[email protected] wrote:

To make things easier, the DBA created a logon trigger to the app’s user
(let’s suppose the name of the app user is “my_app_user”) that does
something like this:

alter session set current_schema = ‘app_production_schema’

What if you put this in an environment initializer?

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute “alter session set
current_schema = ‘app_production_schema’”

I agree that if possible it would be nice to have the adapter do this
for you. But how do you configure the schema for MRI?

So, it’s quite likely that the Oracle support has drifted a bit. None
of the maintainers use Oracle, and though we are able to run some
tests against it, we don’t have any experience with things like
synonyms and non-standard schemas and the like.

It’s possible that some of the logic you showed from the native Oracle
adapter needs to be ported over in order for jdbc to function the same

At this point I’d suggest getting a copy of the
activerecord-jdbc-adapter code and starting to modify it to see if you
can get it to do what you want.


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I’ve just arrived at home (it’s 23:00h here).
Many, many thanks for the quick response.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 9:46 PM, Nick S. [email protected]

What if you put this in an environment initializer?

ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute “alter session set
current_schema = ‘app_production_schema’”

Will try tomorrow morning. Can I put that in any file I create inside
config/initializers? (I’ve been working mostly with Rails 1.2.6 - I’ve
“migrated” to 2.1.2).

I agree that if possible it would be nice to have the adapter do this

for you. But how do you configure the schema for MRI?

Unfortunately, most people has to use the same solution you gave to me -
used to have that line in environment.rb. After a while, I thought it
too ugly to live with and tried to summon the courage (I was a complete

  • still feel like one…) to hack into the oracle_adapter.rb of
    activerecord-1.2.6 - which I eventually did, way before hearing of the
    existence of JRuby. Here are the relevant classes and methods (taken
    current activerecord-oracle-adapter) before my hacks:

    class OCI8AutoRecover < DelegateClass(OCI8) #:nodoc:
    attr_accessor :active
    alias :active? :active

    cattr_accessor :auto_retry
    class << self
    alias :auto_retry? :auto_retry
    @@auto_retry = false

    def initialize(config, factory = OracleConnectionFactory.new)
    @active = true
    @username, @password, @database, = config[:username].to_s,
    config[:password].to_s, config[:database].to_s
    @async = config[:allow_concurrency]
    @prefetch_rows = config[:prefetch_rows] || 100
    @cursor_sharing = config[:cursor_sharing] || ‘similar’
    @factory = factory
    @connection = @factory.new_connection @username, @password,
    @database, @async, @prefetch_rows, @cursor_sharing
    super @connection

    (…other methods…)

    class OracleConnectionFactory #:nodoc:
    def new_connection(username, password, database, async,
    conn = OCI8.new username, password, database
    conn.exec %q{alter session set nls_date_format = ‘YYYY-MM-DD
    conn.exec %q{alter session set nls_timestamp_format = ‘YYYY-MM-DD
    HH24:MI:SS’} rescue nil
    conn.autocommit = true
    conn.non_blocking = true if async
    conn.prefetch_rows = prefetch_rows
    conn.exec “alter session set cursor_sharing = #{cursor_sharing}”
    rescue nil

Off the top of my head, what I did at the time was check the existence
of a
“schema” config parameter in OCI8AutoRecover.initialize, pass it to
OracleConnectionFactory.new_connection, and then add a line that looks
like conn.exec
“alter session set current_schema = #{schema}” to that method. Worked
well, made my work a lot more confortable (the hack was only in the
not in the environment.rb - and I finally had my “schema” config
in database.yml…) but I didn’t know for sure if it was the most
way of doing it and I was swamped by projects after that - I should have
sent that to the Rails team and their e-mail list… My bad. Will do it
soon as I can.

So, it’s quite likely that the Oracle support has drifted a bit. None

can get it to do what you want.
Well, already have “trunk” at my work, built it some times before
release of
0.9.1. But I have huge difficulties to understand where the Java part of
code “plugs” into the Ruby part (looks like wizardry), and that really
in the way.

And then, there’s the problem of my Java near-illiteracy, although I can
overcome that if needed. My real problem is my complete illiteracy
the Oracle engine and its drivers, and I don’t really know where to
learning about it - and while I will do it for sure, I fear I will not
acquire the knowledge needed to solve my problem before my deadline. And
still swamped by more than one work…

Well, thanks again for the quick reply - it did give me some things to
really appreciated. I will keep you informed of my progress.

…But any help, from anyone, no matter how small, is still greatly
and appreciated. =)


Will try that ASAP. Many thanks.


We have a new mechanism for extending the connection class per
database. So it seems like you could do something like this:

diff --git a/lib/jdbc_adapter/jdbc_oracle.rb
index b417f28…8896071 100644
— a/lib/jdbc_adapter/jdbc_oracle.rb
+++ b/lib/jdbc_adapter/jdbc_oracle.rb
@@ -94,6 +94,20 @@ module ::JdbcSpec

  • def self.jdbc_connection_class
  •  OracleJdbcConnection
  • end
  • class OracleJdbcConnection <
  •  def initialize(config)
  •    super
  •    if config[:schema]
  •      sql = ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, ['alter

session set current_schema = ?', config[:schema]])

  •      connection.execute sql
  •    end
  •  end
  • end
  • def adapter_name


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Renato Santos
[email protected] wrote:

config/initializers? (I’ve been working mostly with Rails 1.2.6 - I’ve just
existence of JRuby. Here are the relevant classes and methods (taken from
@active = true
(…other methods…)
conn.non_blocking = true if async
like conn.exec “alter session set current_schema = #{schema}” to that

synonyms and non-standard schemas and the like.
0.9.1. But I have huge difficulties to understand where the Java part of the
…But any help, from anyone, no matter how small, is still greatly needed

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