Uninitialized constant ActionController::AbstractRequest (NameError) with rails 2.3

Hi guys,

I’ve just installed Rails 2.3 and I am using the clearance plugin
with cucumber features. When I run rake features I get this
“uninitialized constant ActionController::AbstractRequest (NameError)”
error from webrat trying to call AbstractRequest which now is called
Request (I think). My question is : Is there any way to alias the old
name to have backwards compatibility with plugins using it ?


On Mar 18, 12:03 pm, mixandgo [email protected] wrote:

Hi guys,

I’ve just installed Rails 2.3 and I am using the clearance plugin
with cucumber features. When I run rake features I get this
“uninitialized constant ActionController::AbstractRequest (NameError)”
error from webrat trying to call AbstractRequest which now is called
Request (I think). My question is : Is there any way to alias the old
name to have backwards compatibility with plugins using it ?

Well you can certain set ActionController::AbstractRequest to be
whatever you want. There is no guarantee this will help you though, as
this part of rails has undergone substantial changes in Rails 2.3 - if
the plugin is trying to override some methods for example those
methods may no longer exist at all.
