Rails 2.3.2 and Cucumber 0.1.16

I am encountering a problem relating to cucumber and Rails 2.3.2 which
has something to do with Rails 2.3.2 but I am unable, as of yet, to
determine exactly what is the cause.

Situation: environment.rb RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘2.3.2’

$ cucumber -r features

Page load was not successful (Code: 500):

Action Controller: Exception caught

<Missing template …/…/public/hll_terms_and_conditions.html
in view path app/views

  Extracted source (around line #18:
  15:               :id =>; 'link_new_user_session'
  16:   -%>
  17:   <br/>
  18:   <%= render :file =>

‘…/…/public/hll_terms_and_conditions.html’ ->
20: <% else ->

3 scenarios
3 steps passed
3 steps failed
10 steps skipped

Situation: environment.rb RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘2.2.2’

$ cucumber -r features

3 scenarios
16 steps passed

Now, when I start the script/server and go to the project root then I
get no errors from either R2.2.2 or R2.3.2. I am guessing that
something in R2.3.2 is changing the pwd from RAILS_ROOT for the feature
steps/tests only, since the file specified in the render statement does
exist (and is correctly displayed by an actual running application).
But, that is only a guess.

Any ideas as to what is going on here?

James B. wrote:

Now, when I start the script/server and go to the project root then I
get no errors from either R2.2.2 or R2.3.2. I am guessing that
something in R2.3.2 is changing the pwd from RAILS_ROOT for the feature
steps/tests only, since the file specified in the render statement does
exist (and is correctly displayed by an actual running application).
But, that is only a guess.

And a wrong one. In both versions RAILS_ROOT is nil and pwd is the
application root directory. So, it must be something else.

It is starting to look like this is a webrat problem.