Setting DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS in Rails 2.3


I’m having some trouble overriding/defining the default_field_options
constant without raising a warning. I’ve tried adding the code to do
it in an initializer but that produces a warning (because the constant
is already frozen), after some googling I found a recommendation to
put it in the environment.rb file but that then that throws

uninitialized constant ActionView (NameError)

which prevents the app from starting all together.

Any solution to this would be excellent. Thanks.

You cannot override constants (i assumeyou want to put a different
value in it) without getting a warning, hence they are called
Constant. In java you cannot override them at all. thank ruby for just
throwing a warning.

If you want to initialize it with your new value, just see in the code
where it is being declared and put your new value there. thatr way you
wont get the warning.

Ah right okay, I shall have to do that then. Thanks for your help!

It seems odd you can’t configure this more easily though as it seems
like one of the obvious ones you would want to tweak. It’s annoying
for me in particular as I have 2 projects using html5 so removing the
size attribute is all I wanted to do! It seems strange to me that size
would be a default value in the first place with css being the more
appropriate place to do such a thing as well.

Maybe thats a good comment to tell to the ones writing the software,
sometimes when you write these things you are not sure what people
will want to end up tweaking. It is the constant burden of the
programmer: you write a piece of software for somethgn and it ends up
being used in a completely different way. but hey, its mroe fun this


The right way to do this is actually to just define the
ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag class in a plugin (as ActionView has
not been loaded yet), and set DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS there. In short,
create a vender/plugins/default_options/init.rb with the following:

module ActionView
module Helpers
class InstanceTag

This did not work for me on rails 2.3.2 but got me on the right track.

Create a file named vendor/plugins/default_options/init.rb that
contains the following:

require “default_options”

Create a file named vendor/plugins/default_options/lib/
default_options.rb that contains the following:

module ActionView
module Helpers
class InstanceTag