One SELECT, multiple sorts

I want to pull data from the database once, but do multiple sorts on
different columns.

I’m pulling a list of products from the database. In my view, I want
to create two select lists: one sorted by the product name; one sorted
by part number. I know I can map the values into a new array or use
“options_from_collection_for_select,” but I’m having a little trouble
with sorting. { |p| [,] }.sort
=> [[7, “DataCollector”], [8, “DataTranslator”], [9, “DataMonitor”],
[10, “DataExpress”], [11, “DataView”]]

The “sort” command sorts by the first item in each array, as can be
seen by switching the values: { |p| [,] }.sort
=> [[“DataCollector”, 7], [“DataExpress”, 10], [“DataMonitor”, 9],
[“DataTranslator”, 8], [“DataView”, 11]]

So, how do I get the sort order I want from the second example, but
keep the structure from the first example so the select list will
display correctly?


On Mar 9, 2009, at 3:47 PM, partydrone wrote: { |p| [,] }.sort
So, how do I get the sort order I want from the second example, but
keep the structure from the first example so the select list will
display correctly?

products.sort_by{|p|}.map{|p| [,}

is one way.


On Mar 9, 10:47 pm, partydrone [email protected] wrote:

I want to pull data from the database once, but do multiple sorts on
different columns.

I’m pulling a list of products from the database. In my view, I want
to create two select lists: one sorted by the product name; one sorted
by part number. I know I can map the values into a new array or use
“options_from_collection_for_select,” but I’m having a little trouble
with sorting. { |p| [,] }.sort

sort takes a block - you can make it compare anyway you want with that
block, eg [1,2,3].sort {|x,y| x <=> y} is the same as [1,2,3] but
[1,2,3].sort {|x,y| y <=> x } would sort in opposite order and
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].sort {|x,y| (x%5) <=> (y%5)} sorts according to
residue mod 5.


This works, too:

<%= select_tag(‘product[name]’, options_for_select( { |p|
[,] }.sort)) %>

Thanks, guys.