Fast and furious preamp for HF


I’ve tried to receive 7 MHz ham bands with LFRX.
As expected, after reading the mailing list and documents around, I
realized that without a steaming >40db low noise
preamp ahead LFRX, there’s very little to listen to (although I managed
to listen some broadcast on 7100 - 7200kHz with
antenna inside the room, which is under a concrete roof).

Now, since I need to prepare a demo with USRP/GNURadio right on the 7MHz
ham band, is there anyone out there who can
point me to the fastest solution to homebrew a low noise >40db Preamp?
Of course there are lots of designs on the web, but I need something
effective and fast to build from sombody who
tried by personal experience.

Thanks in advance

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