Location workflow question


i have here a configuration, where a request to
/forum/viewforum-18-bla.php is not parsed by php.

My Question is: why doesnt the “location ~ .php$” get’s executed after
the “location ^~ /forum/” is finished?

server is nginx 0.7.35 with fastcgi/php-cgi.

Here is my simplified non-working config file:

server {
server_name www.domain.com;

     location / {
         root   html;
         index  index.html index.php;

     location ^~ /forum/ {
          rewrite ^/forum/viewforum-18-bla.php$

/forum/viewforum.php?id=18 last;

     location ~ .php$ {
         include        fastcgi_params;


my config would work, if i duplicate the fastcgi_pass directive in
“location ^~ /forum/”. But is this duplication really needed?

Thanks for an advice.

And keep up the good work with nginx!
Matevz Sernc-Urban

sadly, i believe so. i wind up having to do that, and it was under
igor’s advisement.

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 4:24 PM, euhost.net - matevz sernc-urban


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 01:24:38AM +0100, euhost.net - matevz
sernc-urban wrote:


i have here a configuration, where a request to
/forum/viewforum-18-bla.php is not parsed by php.

My Question is: why doesnt the “location ~ .php$” get’s executed after
the “location ^~ /forum/” is finished?

Any reason why it should? URI in question is mathched by
“location ^~ /forum/” and regex location processing forbidden
after this location (note ^~).

Maxim D.

Maxim D. schrieb:

the “location ^~ /forum/” is finished?

Any reason why it should? URI in question is mathched by
“location ^~ /forum/” and regex location processing forbidden
after this location (note ^~).

Maxim D.

Thats the key!

I changed the directive to “location ~ ^/forum/” and now both location’s
are processed one after another.


Matevz Sernc-Urban