Problem with special characters


O.S Windows XP sp3
Ruby 1.8.6

I am working with ruby using DBI::Mysql, and the returned descriptions
are not displayed ok. The puts command is displaying wrong characters,
when the text has special chars like á.

My program here :

puts “Olá Mundo!”; # for test

require “dbi”;

# connect to the MySQL server
dbh = DBI.connect(“DBI:Mysql:test:localhost”, “test”,

sth = dbh.execute("SELECT * FROM uf ");

sth.each do |row|
    puts 'ID:' + row[0].to_s + ' Mi: ' + row[1] + 'Decrição: ' +

rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e
puts “An error occurred”;
puts “Error code: #{e.err}”;
puts “Error message: #{e.errstr}”;
# disconnect from server
dbh.disconnect if dbh;

//=========== Result
Olß Mundo!
ID:1 Mi: AC DecriþÒo: Acre
ID:2 Mi: AL DecriþÒo: Alagoas
ID:3 Mi: AM DecriþÒo: Amazonas
ID:4 Mi: AP DecriþÒo: Amapß
ID:5 Mi: BA DecriþÒo: Bahia
ID:6 Mi: CE DecriþÒo: Cearß
ID:7 Mi: DF DecriþÒo: Distrito Federal
ID:8 Mi: ES DecriþÒo: EspÝrito Santo
ID:9 Mi: GO DecriþÒo: Goißs
ID:10 Mi: MA DecriþÒo: MaranhÒo
ID:11 Mi: MG DecriþÒo: Minas Gerais
ID:12 Mi: MS DecriþÒo: Mato Grosso do Sul
ID:13 Mi: MT DecriþÒo: Mato Grosso
ID:14 Mi: PA DecriþÒo: Parß
ID:15 Mi: PB DecriþÒo: ParaÝba
ID:16 Mi: PE DecriþÒo: Pernambuco
ID:17 Mi: PI DecriþÒo: PiauÝ
ID:18 Mi: PR DecriþÒo: Paranß
ID:19 Mi: RJ DecriþÒo: Rio de Janeiro
ID:20 Mi: RN DecriþÒo: Rio Grande do Norte
ID:21 Mi: RO DecriþÒo: Rond¶nia
ID:22 Mi: RR DecriþÒo: Roraima
ID:23 Mi: RS DecriþÒo: Rio Grande do Sul
ID:24 Mi: SC DecriþÒo: Santa Catarina
ID:25 Mi: SE DecriþÒo: Sergipe
ID:26 Mi: SP DecriþÒo: SÒo Paulo
ID:27 Mi: TO DecriþÒo: Tocantins
ID:28 Mi: XX DecriþÒo: Fora Do Brasil

How to display the text with special characters like ‘ç ú í’ tha are
used commonly in latin languages?


Your input is in latin-1[1] but the windows console probably uses cp850
[2]. You could change the codepage with “mode con cp select=1252” (I
guess), use other software, or recode the output.

[1] ISO/IEC 8859-1 - Wikipedia
[2] Code page 850 - Wikipedia

Ruby 1.8.6

I am working with ruby using DBI::Mysql, and the returned descriptions
are not displayed ok. The puts command is displaying wrong characters,
when the text has special chars like á.


How to display the text with special characters like ‘ç ú í’ tha are
used commonly in latin languages?

Posted via

I am facing a similar issue on Mac OS X where the TextMate console can
use UTF8 encoding (The Mac terminal can be set to any encoding).

I asked a similar question to the TextMate mailing list, and I got a
workaround. Here is a very small program reading and printing the
content of
a text file encoded in ISO-8859-1:

require “iconv”

file =“test.txt”, “r”)
file.each {
print line
print Iconv.iconv(“UTF-8”,“LATIN1”,line)

So I guess you can use the iconv library to convert in whichever
you may need.
