
Hello all

any one has idea how to add new column to existing hash array ?

I have one hash instance like

using each with index i m looping it and want to add new key and value
to each row

how can i do that ?

please help me


On 19 Feb 2009, at 10:54, Cyrus D. wrote:

Hello all

any one has idea how to add new column to existing hash array ?

by hash array do you mean an array of hashes ?

I have one hash instance like

using each with index i m looping it and want to add new key and value
to each row

unless i’m missing part of the question, you just do it.

array_of_hashes.each_with_index do |some_hash, i|
some_hash[:foo] = :bar

If you want to change the array you are iterating over, that isn’t


On Feb 19, 2009, at 6:20 AM, Cyrus D. wrote:


but I have instance like this

@restaurant= Restaurant.find(:all,
:select => ‘restaurants.*, 22 AS diffinmiles’
but this is not work

so that i have to not change in view file and i can direct access like
db values ?

any idea ?

Except that is not really what you meant, I’m sure. If you need some
other method to be available on the Restaurant model, just add it in!

class Restaurant
def diffinmiles(my_location)
# do some calculations with other attributes and the passed

If you want to change the array you are iterating over, that isn’t


You’re not actually changing the array here as Fred suggests, you’re
just modifying each member which is perfectly fine (even though, as I
said, not what I think you really want to do here).


Rob B. http://agileconsultingllc.com
[email protected]


but I have instance like this

@restaurant= Restaurant.find(:all)

now for each i have to add one more column

@restaurant.each_with_index do |c,index|

 @restaurant[index]['diffinmiles'] =22


but this is not work

so that i have to not change in view file and i can direct access like
db values ?

any idea ?

Frederick C. wrote:

On 19 Feb 2009, at 10:54, Cyrus D. wrote:

Hello all

any one has idea how to add new column to existing hash array ?

by hash array do you mean an array of hashes ?

I have one hash instance like

using each with index i m looping it and want to add new key and value
to each row

unless i’m missing part of the question, you just do it.

array_of_hashes.each_with_index do |some_hash, i|
some_hash[:foo] = :bar

If you want to change the array you are iterating over, that isn’t


Thanks Rob

But actually what I want to do here

I have hash @restaurant

now for each row I want to add diffinmiles and then filter some of rows
from main hash with this new column add

and then sort this new array based on diffin miles


Rob B. wrote:

On Feb 19, 2009, at 6:20 AM, Cyrus D. wrote:


but I have instance like this

@restaurant= Restaurant.find(:all,
:select => ‘restaurants.*, 22 AS diffinmiles’
but this is not work

so that i have to not change in view file and i can direct access like
db values ?

any idea ?

Except that is not really what you meant, I’m sure. If you need some
other method to be available on the Restaurant model, just add it in!

class Restaurant
def diffinmiles(my_location)
# do some calculations with other attributes and the passed

If you want to change the array you are iterating over, that isn’t


You’re not actually changing the array here as Fred suggests, you’re
just modifying each member which is perfectly fine (even though, as I
said, not what I think you really want to do here).


Rob B. http://agileconsultingllc.com
[email protected]