Trouble with routes

I just started working with Rails 2.2.2 and I don’t seem to be having
much luck with the new routing scheme. When I try to edit a record
and save it I get and error message that looks as though it is trying
to use the id for the action. So just what am I doing wrong?

No action responded to 8. Actions: check_authorization, create,
destroy, edit, index, logged_in?, make_profile_vars, nav_link, new,
paginate, paginated?, param_posted?, protect, show, text_field_for,
and update

Show us your action.

The edit action is:

def edit
@title = “Pinnacle Harvest: Edit Vendor”
@vendor = Vendor.find(params[:id])

the update action is:

def update
raise params.inspect
@vendor = Vendor.find(params[:id])

respond_to do |format|
  if @vendor.update_attributes(params[:vendor])
    flash[:notice] = 'Vendor was successfully updated.'
    format.html { redirect_to :action => 'index' }
    format.xml  { head :ok }
    format.html { render :action => "edit" }
    format.xml  { render :xml => @vendor.errors, :status

=> :unprocessable_entity }

the edit.html.erb file is:
<% form_for :vendor do |form| %>

<%= @title %>

<%= error_messages_for ‘vendor’ %>
<%= text_field_for form, “name” %>
<%= text_field_for form, “city” %>
<%= text_field_for form, “state” %>
<%= text_field_for form, “zip_code”, ZIP_CODE_LENGTH %>
<%= text_field_for form, “phone_number” %>
<%= text_field_for form, “fax_number” %>
<%= text_field_for form, “web_url” %>

<%= submit_tag “Update”, :class => “new_client_vendor_submit” %>

<% end %>

There is nothing fancy, I am pretty much a novice at Rails. :wink:


That’s a rather strange error considering you’re not even trying to
redirect to :show after an update, but rather just :index.

Further strange are the actions it says are valid:
check_authorization, create,
destroy, edit, index, logged_in?, make_profile_vars, nav_link, new,
paginate, paginated?, param_posted?, protect, show, text_field_for,
and update

What is the URL that results in this error? Do you have some other
plugins that might be adding these other actions?

There are no plugins, I do have several gems installed… but you just
got me to thinking. Yep, it looks as though my code base got



You need to show your routes.rb file as well. This is the file that
routes requests to controllers and actions within them.