Displaying validation messages - what do i do in my form

Here’s my form

<%=h @school.name %> (<%=h @school.place %>)

<%= link_to @school_url, @school.url %>

<% form_for [@school, Review.new] do |f| %>

<%= f.label :first_name, "First Name" %>
<%= f.text_field :first_name, :length => 40 %>

<%= f.label :body, "Leave a review..." %>
<%= f.text_area :body, :cols => 40, :rows => 6 %>

<%= f.submit "Add Review" %>

<% end %>

<% unless @school.reviews == [] %>

<%= render :partial => @school.reviews %>

<% end %>

my routes

map.resources :schools, :has_many => :reviews

and my controller for reivews

class ReviewsController < ApplicationController

def create

@school = School.find(params[:school_id])

@review = @school.reviews.build(params[:review])


redirect_to @school



I’d like to show validation errors in the initial form, so how do I do
the line…

<% form_for [@school, Review.new] do |f| %>

Is that right?

I realise i need to update the controller to render new if the record
doesnt save…

so here’s my reviews controller, i’d like to return to the schools show
action and show errors if the record not saved.

class ReviewsController < ApplicationController

def create

@school = School.find(params[:school_id])

@review = @school.reviews.build(params[:review])

if @review.save
  redirect_to @school
  render :action => "new"



On 16 Feb 2009, at 15:27, bingo bob wrote:

I’d like to show validation errors in the initial form, so how do I do
the line…

<% form_for [@school, Review.new] do |f| %>

You don’t want Review.new. You want to use the instance of review that
had the errors on it. This will also means that the text boxes etc.
will be filled with what the user typed in before. You can use
f.error_messages_for to display the errors or you can roll your own
thing if you don’t like the output that generates but the key thing is
that you need to use th instance which has errors on it.


But this doesn’t work for me…

<% form_for [@school, @review.new] do |f| %>

Your form_for should be using @school, @review.

In the controller new method, just like you do a (I hope)
@school = School.new
do a
@review = Review.new

OK, kind of got you…appreciate i need the instance with the errors in
it, how do i achieve that?

so not this…

<% form_for [@school, Review.new] do |f| %>

But this doesn’t work for me…

<% form_for [@school, @review.new] do |f| %>

there is no new method…

just create… here’s my reviews controller

class ReviewsController < ApplicationController

def create

@school = School.find(params[:school_id])

@review = @school.reviews.build(params[:review])

if @review.save
  redirect_to @school
  render :action => "new"



and here’s my school show view…

<%=h @school.name %> (<%=h @school.place %>)

<%= link_to @school_url, @school.url %>

<% form_for [@school, Review.new] do |f| %>

<%= f.label :first_name, "First Name" %>
<%= f.text_field :first_name, :length => 40 %>

<%= f.label :body, "Leave a review..." %>
<%= f.text_area :body, :cols => 40, :rows => 6 %>

<%= f.submit "Add Review" %>

<% end %>

<% unless @school.reviews == [] %>

<%= render :partial => @school.reviews %>

<% end %>

On 16 Feb 2009, at 17:09, bingo bob wrote:

<% form_for [@school, @review.new] do |f| %>

if @review is the object with your errors you don’t need to call new -
just @review will do


On 16 Feb 2009, at 19:30, bingo bob wrote:

if @review.save
redirect_to @school
# what goes here ???

exactly what you had before - just render your ‘new’ action


i don’t have a new action or view in my reviews controller…

my comments are being entered and displayed on the schools show page.

ok thanks fred… but…

class ReviewsController < ApplicationController

def create

@school = School.find(params[:school_id])

@review = @school.reviews.build(params[:review])

if @review.save
  redirect_to @school
  # what goes here ???



On Feb 16, 7:57 pm, bingo bob [email protected]

i don’t have a new action or view in my reviews controller…

my comments are being entered and displayed on the schools show page.

then pass whatever you need to pass to render to get it to render the
form again. You know where that file is, I don’t


Arrrr! I see…sorry being dopey, just enhance the render command - I
read you can do this elesewhere…

BUT, It still deosnt work!

class ReviewsController < ApplicationController

def create

@school = School.find(params[:school_id])

@review = @school.reviews.build(params[:review])

if @review.save
  redirect_to @school
  render :action => "show", :controller => "schools" #  here....!!!!



===== it’s trying to go here…

Showing app/views/reviews/show.html.erb where line #42 raised:
undefined method `edit_review_path’ for #ActionView::Base:0x21c2260

It should go back to here I suppose…


On 17 Feb 2009, at 07:26, bingo bob wrote:

Arrrr! I see…sorry being dopey, just enhance the render command - I
read you can do this elesewhere…

which bit of the view is causing this ?


ignore the previous error…

basically its not looking as my schools controller even though i
specficy it.

here’s the view…

<%=h @school.name %> (<%=h @school.place %>)

<%= link_to @school_url, @school.url %>

<% form_for [@school, @review] do |f| %>

<%= f.label :first_name, "First Name" %>
<%= f.text_field :first_name, :length => 40 %>

<%= f.label :body, "Leave a review..." %>
<%= f.text_area :body, :cols => 40, :rows => 6 %>

<%= f.submit "Add Review" %>

<% end %>

<% unless @school.reviews == [] %>

<%= render :partial => @school.reviews %>

<% end %>

ad here’s the cont.

class ReviewsController < ApplicationController

def create

@school = School.find(params[:school_id])
@review = @school.reviews.build(params[:review])

if @review.save
  redirect_to @school
  render :controller => "schools", :action => "show"



result is this when validation fails…

Template is missing

Missing template reviews/show.erb in view path

which is weird because I said… render :controller => “schools”,
:action => “show”