Open_uri failure on good uri

I am trying to open a URI using doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)). I get
the following error:

URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?):|1|*&item=1
from /usr/local/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/uri/common.rb:436:in split' from /usr/local/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/uri/common.rb:485:in parse’
from /usr/local/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb:29:in `open’

The problem is, if I paste the url in a browser it does go to the
proper page. What am I missing

On Jan 27, 2009, at 8:35 PM, Don F. wrote:

The problem is, if I paste the url in a browser it does go to the
proper page. What am I missing

Try replacing the | characters with %7C

Or try:

doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(URI.encode(url)))


Rob B.
[email protected]

That worked perfectly. Thanks


On Jan 27, 4:22 pm, Rob B. [email protected]