[ANN] Cucumber 0.2 alpha

Hi folks,

I’m pretty excited about the next release - 0.2. Please try out the
prereleases (0.1.99):

gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
gem install aslakhellesoy-cucumber

We need updated translations! To see what needs updating, do this:

cucumber --lang help # To see what languages are incomplete
cucumber --lang es help # To see what’s incomplete in Spanish

Stuff that users should care about:

  • New --tags option and @tag keyword in the Gherkin language
  • Automatic aliasing of keywords so you can use Given/When/Then in your
    language in step definitions
  • New --strict option to fail on undefined and pending steps
  • New --autoformat option to format your feature sources (useful
    for tables)
  • Make the current scenario available to step definitions
  • Multiline tables and strings in steps get printed
  • New --help for all the supported languages
  • Much faster installation of gem
  • Pure Java support via JBehave

Stuff that contributors should care about

  • A new design based on an abstract syntax tree with better separation
  • Self tests - Cucumber features for Cucumber
  • No need to compile language specific parsers

There are a few features of 0.1 that haven’t been ported yet:

  • HTML formatter
  • Any number of things that I have overseen

Some parts of the Gherkin language have also changed:

  • “GivenScenario” is gone. Instead you can call steps from step
    or wait for “Background (#153)”
  • “More Examples” is gone. “Scenario” + “More Examples” is no longer
    supported. Use “Scenario Outline” + “Examples” instead.

And finally, pure Ruby features are no longer supported.

The code for the 0.1.x series lives on the v0.1.x branch. From now on
will only be minor bugfixes on 0.1.x.

Big thanks to Joseph W. who has helped out a lot during the redesign.
Please be patient about any bugs you find in this release and help us
out any wrinkles.

Full (pre)release notes here:

(::slight_smile: Aslak (::slight_smile:

For Spanish:

name: Spanish
native: español
encoding: UTF-8
background: Antecedentes
feature: Característica
scenario: Escenario
scenario_outline: Esquema del escenario
examples: Ejemplos
given: Dado
when: Cuando
then: Entonces
and: Y
but: Pero



On behalf of a very grateful community: Thank you.


On Jan 25, 2009 9:16 AM, “aslak hellesoy” [email protected]

Hi folks,

I’m pretty excited about the next release - 0.2. Please try out the
prereleases (0.1.99):

gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
gem install aslakhellesoy-cucumber

We need updated translations! To see what needs updating, do this:

cucumber --lang help # To see what languages are incomplete
cucumber --lang es help # To see what’s incomplete in Spanish

Stuff that users should care about:

  • New --tags option and @tag keyword in the Gherkin language
  • Automatic aliasing of keywords so you can use Given/When/Then in your
    language in step definitions
  • New --strict option to fail on undefined and pending steps
  • New --autoformat option to format your feature sources (useful
    for tables)
  • Make the current scenario available to step definitions
  • Multiline tables and strings in steps get printed
  • New --help for all the supported languages
  • Much faster installation of gem
  • Pure Java support via JBehave

Stuff that contributors should care about

  • A new design based on an abstract syntax tree with better separation
  • Self tests - Cucumber features for Cucumber
  • No need to compile language specific parsers

There are a few features of 0.1 that haven’t been ported yet:

  • HTML formatter
  • Any number of things that I have overseen

Some parts of the Gherkin language have also changed:

  • “GivenScenario” is gone. Instead you can call steps from step
    or wait for “Background (#153)”
  • “More Examples” is gone. “Scenario” + “More Examples” is no longer
    supported. Use “Scenario Outline” + “Examples” instead.

And finally, pure Ruby features are no longer supported.

The code for the 0.1.x series lives on the v0.1.x branch. From now on
will only be minor bugfixes on 0.1.x.

Big thanks to Joseph W. who has helped out a lot during the redesign.
Please be patient about any bugs you find in this release and help us
out any wrinkles.

Full (pre)release notes here:

(::slight_smile: Aslak (::slight_smile: