Help on SQLITE3-ruby (1.2.3) Windows problem

Your Help please:

I have installed sqlite3 in directory : c:\tools\sqlite3
and performed gem install : gem install sqlite3-ruby-1.2.3-

test2.rb program:
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘sqlite3/database’
require ‘sqlite3’

File.delete “test.db” rescue nil

db = “test.db” )
sql = <<SQL
create table the_table (
a varchar2(30),
b varchar2(30)

 insert into the_table values ( 'one', 'two' );
 insert into the_table values ( 'three', 'four' );
 insert into the_table values ( 'five', 'six' );


db.execute_batch( sql )

db.execute( “select * from the_table” ) do |row|
p row

** upon executing the program: ruby test2.rb

it can not file sqlite3.dll

But when I move aa copy of sqlite3.dll into the same directory as
then everything runs OK.

Question: How do I condition sqlite3-ruby to load the sqlite3.dll
from the directory c:\tools\sqlite3?

Thanks for your assistance,

On Jan 24, 6:08 am, [email protected] wrote:

require ‘sqlite3’
insert into the_table values ( ‘one’, ‘two’ );

Thanks for your assistance,

Put c:\tools\sqlite3 in the PATH environment variable.

On Jan 24, 3:08 am, [email protected] wrote:

require ‘sqlite3’
insert into the_table values ( ‘one’, ‘two’ );

Thanks for your assistance,

For Windows to load shared libraries (.dll) needs to find those in any
of the directories of PATH, including the directory where the
executable (ruby.exe) is located.

Now, this is similar to LD_LIBRARY_PATH on *nix, but playing with it
is considered harmful [1]

sqlite3-ruby is built on Windows against the binary version of SQLite,
which requires the dll to be found in the PATH.

One alternative is add c:\tools\sqlite3 to the PATH:

SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\tools\sqlite3

The other alternative is put sqlite3.dll binary in the Ruby folder.

[1] Should I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH?


On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 01:03:08AM +0900, Luis L. wrote:

require ‘sqlite3/database’

from the directory c:\tools\sqlite3?

sqlite3-ruby is built on Windows against the binary version of SQLite,
which requires the dll to be found in the PATH.

One alternative is add c:\tools\sqlite3 to the PATH:

SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\tools\sqlite3

The other alternative is put sqlite3.dll binary in the Ruby folder.

Another option is to use Amalgalite which embeds SQLite in the ruby
no need to download the sqlite3.dll separately. If you are using sqlite
directly then that is a good option. if you need to use ActiveRecord or
or something like that, the drivers for ORM’s do not exist, yet.

