getValue() in a Controller problem, help please

Hello there,

I’m trying to do something like:

render :update do |page|
page[:client_list].replace_html render(:partial => ‘client_list’,
:object => @clients_list)
name = page[:name].getValue();

but I’m not getting the value, or somehow use $(“name”).getValue()
inside of the controller.

How can I do that?


David S.

David S. wrote:

but I’m not getting the value, or somehow use $(“name”).getValue()
inside of the controller.

You will need to send this value as a parameter of your AJAX
call, using the :with parameter of the form helper.

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Hello Mark, thanks… but, my problem is bigger than that or I don’t
know how that the answer is easy.

So, I have a structure like this. (view)

<% @client_list.each do |client| -%> <%=> ....... .. .. .. .. <% end -%> <%=will_paginate(@client_list, :params => {:controller => "client", :action => "search_result", :foo => "$F('name')"})%>
Nome <%= text_field_tag :name%> .... .... ... <%= observe_form :search_form, :frequency => 0.5, :url => { :action => "search_result" } %>

What I wanna do is, pass the :name.value of the search form to the
paginate action, so when the result is paginated I will still have the
same results. Otherwise, when I go the the second page for example, I
will have the second page of all my clients, not the result of the

Sounds confusing… did you understand?


David S.

Hello Mark J.,
thank you very much, it worked, and was easy… lol.
I’m getting used to rails…


David S.

David S. wrote:

<%=will_paginate(@client_list, :params => {:controller => “client”,
=> “search_result” } %>

What I wanna do is, pass the :name.value of the search form to the
paginate action, so when the result is paginated I will still have the
same results. Otherwise, when I go the the second page for example, I
will have the second page of all my clients, not the result of the

Since you’re using observe_form, params[:name] will be set
in your controller action, which can be used in the view.
e.g. :foo => params[:name]

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