Get not working

I have a class Halt. If i type Halt, the output is

=> Halt(id: integer, troute_id: integer, seq: integer, day: integer,
arrival: integer, departure: integer, duration: integer, tnode_id:
integer, mode: string, junction: boolean, distance: integer, created_at:
datetime, updated_at: datetime)

The database is populated. And code was working. But recently it stop
If i type Halt.get, this is the output:

NoMethodError: undefined method get' for #<Class:0xb7025de8> from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1833:inmethod_missing’
from (irb):3

can you please suggest why this is happeneing?

On Jan 18, 2009, at 09:34 , Free Bird wrote:

I have a class Halt. If i type Halt, the output is

=> Halt(id: integer, troute_id: integer, seq: integer, day: integer,
arrival: integer, departure: integer, duration: integer, tnode_id:
integer, mode: string, junction: boolean, distance: integer,
datetime, updated_at: datetime)

presumably Halt is both a method Halt() and a class… we can only
guess since you don’t provide any code.

The database is populated. And code was working. But recently it stop
If i type Halt.get, this is the output:


In this case you’re trying to execute the #get class method on the
Halt class. That’s what the parser sees at least. I’m guessing (again)
that you don’t have a #get class method and you’re instead expecting
to call the #get instance method on whatever the #Halt method returns.
If you want to ensure that you’re calling your method, add parens:


I don’t think it is a good design to have an argless global method
with the same name as the class. you get confusion like the above.

Free Bird wrote:

If i type Halt.get, this is the output:

NoMethodError: undefined method get' for #<Class:0xb7025de8> from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1833:in method_missing’
from (irb):3

can you please suggest why this is happeneing?

Did you mean Halt.find(1) ?

At I don’t see any “get” method (either class or

Free Bird wrote:

earlier, after populating database,
Halt.get(1) was working.

How sure are you? I also use activerecord-2.2.2, and ‘get’ just gives
NoMethodError. I have also checked through the gem source and find no
‘def get’ or ‘def self.get’.

If it did work at one time, then I think you must either have installed
some plugin, or defined your own ‘get’ class method.

I have one db entry:(/db/migrate)

class CreateHalts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :halts do |t|
t.integer :troute_id, :null => false
t.integer :seq
t.integer :day
t.integer :arrival
t.integer :departure
t.integer :duration
t.integer :tnode_id, :null => false
t.string :mode
t.boolean :junction
t.integer :distance
execute “alter table halts add constraint fk_halt_troutes foreign
key (troute_id) references troutes(id)”
execute “alter table halts add constraint fk_halt_tnodes foreign key
(tnode_id) references tnodes(id)”

def self.down
drop_table :halts

and i have one model (app/models)

== Schema Information

Schema version: 20081211325430

Table name: halts

id :integer(4) not null, primary key

troute_id :integer(4) not null

seq :integer(4)

day :integer(4)

arrival :integer(4)

departure :integer(4)

duration :integer(4)

tnode_id :integer(4) not null

mode :string(255)

junction :boolean(1)

distance :integer(4)

created_at :datetime

updated_at :datetime

class Halt < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :troute
belongs_to :tnode
validates_presence_of :troute_id, :tnode_id

earlier, after populating database,
Halt.get(1) was working.

Brian C. wrote:

Free Bird wrote:

If i type Halt.get, this is the output:

NoMethodError: undefined method get' for #<Class:0xb7025de8> from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1833:in method_missing’
from (irb):3

can you please suggest why this is happeneing?

Did you mean Halt.find(1) ?

At I don’t see any “get” method (either class or