Which webrat gem should be used?

Hi guys. Which webrat gem should be used? There seem to be a few:

$ gem search -r webrat


aslakhellesoy-webrat (
benschwarz-webrat (
brynary-webrat (
flazz-webrat (
mfilej-webrat (0.2.1)
webrat (0.3.4)

I’m guessing either Aslak’s, brynary’s, or v0.3.4 .


If you’re on Rails and use RSpec matchers, the latest official webrat
gem is broken. It doesn’t contain the webrat/rspec-rails.rb file (a
packaging bug).

aslakhellesoy-webrat ( works fine.

brynary’s master branch is actually behind the latest release (0.3.4).
still uses the version. The latest webrat release was probably
from the 0-3-stable branch.

Bryan, can you fill in?


Aslak Hellesøy wrote:

If you’re on Rails and use RSpec matchers, the latest official
webrat 0.3.4 gem is broken. It doesn’t contain the webrat/rspec-rails.rb
file (a packaging bug).

If you feel adventurous then, after installing cucumber-0.3.4, you could
create a file with this content:

require “webrat/core/matchers”

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
config.include(Webrat::Matchers, :type => :controller)
config.include(Webrat::Matchers, :type => :helper)
config.include(Webrat::Matchers, :type => :view)

and save it (with the appropriate ownership and permissions for your OS
of course) as:


Works for me but, as always, YMMV.

I’m having trouble getting cucumber working. I have webrat 0.4.1
installed, but still get the error:


`gem_original_require’: no such file to load – spec/rails

Aslak Hellesøy wrote:

If you’re on Rails and use RSpec matchers, the latest official webrat
gem is broken. It doesn’t contain the webrat/rspec-rails.rb file (a
packaging bug).

aslakhellesoy-webrat ( works fine.

I tried replacing line 10 in support/env from require 'webrat' to:

require 'aslakhellesoy-webrat'


gem 'aslakhellesoy-webrat', ''

But neither worked. (If using gem is the wrong way to load a
particular gem in a rails project please point me out the correct way to
me :slight_smile:

I also just tried uninstalling the ‘webrat’ gem, leaving only
‘aslakhellesoy-webrat’, and changed line 10 back to require 'webrat',
but still have get the error.

Mike ˙∆˚

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 8:59 AM, James B. [email protected]

require “webrat/core/matchers”


Works for me but, as always, YMMV.

better prob would be to just download the source, update the manifest,
build and install the gem yourself.
