Removing <p> from RedCloth

Everytime I do to_html with RedCloth it wraps the entire thing in

which is really annoying. I’ve looked all over for an answer on how to
disable this but I’ve found nothing. I’m surprised that I’m the only
one that doesn’t want my stuff wrapped in

tags. Does anyone know
how to disable this?

Thanks, that’s getting closer to what I want. :slight_smile: But I’d still like
things enabled such as lists…does that have further options like a

On Jan 12, 4:21 pm, “Adam K.” [email protected]

This may or may not help you depending on which RedCloth functionality
you need.


lite_mode [RW] Accessor for toggling lite mode.

In lite mode, block-level rules are ignored. This means that tables,
paragraphs, lists, and such aren’t available. Only the inline markup
for bold, italics, entities and so on.

r = “And then? She fell!”, [:lite_mode] )
#=> “And then? She fell!”

Hmm Yeah I guess so but I do want some

tags in there, just not
appended all the time. I looked around and found that I could just
manually remove the p tags if they’re there, but it caused a bunch of
other problems like not being XSS safe anymore. Now I’m using RedCloth
with a white_list plugin and it works, but I’m still worried about the

On Jan 13, 1:04 pm, “Adam K.” [email protected]

Well… you could remove the

tags with a regular expression, but
would remove all

tags, even ones caused intentionally via p. or
two lines.

ie: foo.to_html.gsub(/</?p>/, ‘’)

Mike Chai wrote:

Everytime I do to_html with RedCloth it wraps the entire thing in

which is really annoying. I’ve looked all over for an answer on how to
disable this but I’ve found nothing. I’m surprised that I’m the only
one that doesn’t want my stuff wrapped in

tags. Does anyone know
how to disable this?

Have you tried ‘textilize_without_paragraph(text)’?

taken from:

Also if you don’t want to use the textilize helper because you want to
include your own options then you can make your own helper using the
same code from the textilize helper and throw in your options.


def textilize_with_filter_no_paragraph(text)
if text.blank?
textilized =, [:filter_html])
textilized.hard_breaks = true if

  textiled = textilized.to_html
  if textiled[0..2] == "<p>" then textiled = textiled[3..-1] end
  if textiled[-4..-1] == "</p>" then textiled = textiled[0..-5] end
  return textiled

