How following expression evaluate in rails?


i have a following code
abc= Abc.find(aa_ids, :order => ‘created_at desc’)
abc.delete_if { |event|
(event.group_id && !group_ids.include?(event.group_id) &&
! || !Abc::SHOW_EVENTS.include?(event.event_type)

I need to know that how this expression is evaluate what is the
precedence of operator and does short circuit expression evaluation
happen here

Sunny B. wrote:

I need to know that how this expression is evaluate what is the
precedence of operator and does short circuit expression evaluation
happen here

It’s also good practice to use parenthesis to explicitly force the
precedence that you want rather than relying completely on a language’s
operator precedence. It will be easier for you or anyone else looking at
the code later to know the intent of the code.