More mono problems

It looks like IronRuby doesn’t want to function properly on mono.

I can’t run an external file for example. I created a file with as
content 1

  • 1 and when I run that file I get the following error:

» mono ir.exe -D test.rb
mscorlib:0:in set_Fallback': Argument cannot be null. (System::ArgumentNullException) from mscorlib:0:in.ctor’
from mscorlib:0:in GetDecoder' from mscorlib:0:inInitialize’
from mscorlib:0:in .ctor' from mscorlib:0:in.ctor’

I can run the console and do 1 + 1 without a problem but then it doesn’t
display the result => 2 just a new prompt

» mono ir.exe -D
IronRuby on .NET 2.0.50727.1433
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Note that local variables do not work today in the console.
As a workaround, use globals instead (eg $x = 42 instead of x = 42).

1 + 1
puts “hello world”
hello world

When I try to require something like rubygems I get the same error as
when I
try to run a file. I’m guessing this is a mono issue.
I changed the paths in ir.exe.config to the correct ones.

» mono ir.exe -D
IronRuby on .NET 2.0.50727.1433
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Note that local variables do not work today in the console.
As a workaround, use globals instead (eg $x = 42 instead of x = 42).

require ‘rubygems’
mscorlib:0:in set_Fallback': Argument cannot be null. (System::ArgumentNullException) from mscorlib:0:in.ctor’
from mscorlib:0:in GetDecoder' from mscorlib:0:inInitialize’
from mscorlib:0:in .ctor' from mscorlib:0:in.ctor’
from IronRuby.Libraries:0:in `require’