Grepper: object-oriented grepping

Hi –

If you feel the need to do simple object-oriented grepping, have a
look at the Grepper class, which is in a project I’ve started on
RubyForge ( You give a Grepper
object a list of files, a pattern, some options… and it creates a
result set, which you can then walk through.

g =
g.files = %w{ one.txt two.txt three.txt }
g.options = %w{ B2 } # two lines of before-context

g.results.each do |file, result|
result.matches.each do |lineno,before,line,after|


There’s also a Formatter, which does its best to emulate standard
grep(1) output. In fact the whole thing started as an experiment in
implementing grep in Ruby. I then decided to create a layer that just
did the grep logic, on top of which I could build the output
formatting and so forth.

Let me know if any bugs, questions, etc.


David A. Black escreveu:

g.options = %w{ B2 } # two lines of before-context
did the grep logic, on top of which I could build the output
formatting and so forth.

Let me know if any bugs, questions, etc.


Hi David,
Very cool your idea! I will take a look and make some codes to see the
power of the Grepper.

  • Tiago