Different views for a single model?

How could you do it, in a RESTful way?

I have a very simple model with 2 attrs and each view is a
Model.find_all_by_attr1 and _attr2. How is this modeled in REST?

I’ve been in rails for 6 months now and REST is continuing giving me
headaches and tbh, it seems to me that it’s unsuitable for user
centric applications, where the same information could be presented in
many different ways. index and show simply wouldn’t cut it as it seems
to me that they are tightly coupled to a more DB-centric approach.

(Where is index fit into REST, if REST is based on CRUD? Can’t I have
an "index2 or index_by_whatever_criteria_I_want, and still be
RESTful? )

Of course, decision logic could be moved to the view layer but that
seems like a regression to MVC.

Im tempted to stop thinking in REST terms and simply move on; Maybe I
just need a good reason to convince myself.

thank you

map.resources can take additional specifications for either member-level
methods (operating on a single instance of the model), or
collection-level methods (operating on a collection).

You can extend your routes in a RESTful fashion to your hearts content.


On Dec 11, 10:31 am, Bill V. [email protected] wrote:

How could you do it, in a RESTful way?

I have a very simple model with 2 attrs and each view is a
Model.find_all_by_attr1 and _attr2. How is this modeled in REST?

Usually I do this by specifying the view/filtering criteria as query

This calls the index action, and with params[:attr1] = val1 and params
[:attr2] = val2

I’ve been in rails for 6 months now and REST is continuing giving me
headaches and tbh, it seems to me that it’s unsuitable for user
centric applications, where the same information could be presented in
many different ways. index and show simply wouldn’t cut it as it seems
to me that they are tightly coupled to a more DB-centric approach.

(Where is index fit into REST, if REST is based on CRUD? Can’t I have
an "index2 or index_by_whatever_criteria_I_want, and still be
RESTful? )

Index and Show are both from the R of CRUD.

Of course, decision logic could be moved to the view layer but that
seems like a regression to MVC.

Im tempted to stop thinking in REST terms and simply move on; Maybe I
just need a good reason to convince myself.

thank you

Does this help at all? The Rails conventions don’t work 100% of the
time, but for me it works 95% of the time - I just have to think a bit
sometimes about what my action is accomplishing, and challenge myself
on why one on the 7 actions wouldn’t suffice.



Thank you all. It’s still difficult to REST my brain but I’ll get
there eventually