Cucumber and autospec do not work?


I’m not sure this is how cucumber should behave.
Should I file one or three tickets at

$ cucumber -v

$ mkdir fresh
$ cd fresh
$ cucumber
cucumber.yml was not found. Please define your ‘default’ and other
profiles in cucumber.yml.
Type ‘cucumber --help’ for usage.
$ touch cucumber.yml
$ cucumber # bug! should not crash on broken config file
parse_args_from_profile': undefined method []’ for false:FalseClass
parse_options!' from /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/cucumber-0.1.12/bin/../lib/cucumber/cli.rb:20:in parse’
execute' from /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/cucumber-0.1.12/bin/cucumber:6 from /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/cucumber:19:in load’
from /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/cucumber:19
$ echo default: > cucumber.yml
$ cucumber # bug! default profile defined but irretrievable
Could not find profile: ‘default’

Defined profiles in cucumber.yml:

  • default
    $ echo default: . > cucumber.yml
    $ vim enlightenment.feature
    $ cucumber -v # bug! no reason not to use the default profile
    Ruby files required:


$ cucumber -v -i -p default
Ruby files required:


  • ./enlightenment.feature

Story: enlightenment # ./enlightenment.feature
As a Developer
I want to achieve enlightenment
So that I can be at peace with my code
Scenario: meditation # ./enlightenment.feature:6
When I meditate indefinitely # ./enlightenment.feature:7
Then I achieve enlightenment # ./enlightenment.feature:8

2 steps pending


How can I change the world if I can’t even change myself?
– Faithless, Salva Mea

Kero van Gelder wrote:


I’m not sure this is how cucumber should behave.
Should I file one or three tickets at Lighthouse - Beautifully Simple Issue Tracking

Umm… add them separately. I can take at least a couple of them…

Kero van Gelder wrote:

$ cd fresh
from /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/cucumber:19:in `load’
Ruby files required:
As a Developer

How can I change the world if I can’t even change myself?
– Faithless, Salva Mea

rspec-users mailing list
[email protected]

Hey Kero,
I have added th tickets for you and am working on fixes for them.
Although, I think the last one needs to be discussed more so please add
your thoughts to that ticket.


I have added th tickets for you and am working on fixes for them.
Although, I think the last one needs to be discussed more so please add
your thoughts to that ticket.

Lighthouse - Beautifully Simple Issue Tracking
Lighthouse - Beautifully Simple Issue Tracking
Lighthouse - Beautifully Simple Issue Tracking

Thank you!

Comment added to 119


How can I change the world if I can’t even change myself?
– Faithless, Salva Mea