Simple QPSK baseband transmission using GRC


I have been trying to make a baseband transmission by assembling
blocks with GRC.
I’m using this scheme :

To problem is that I’m not able to recover the original data but only
the repetitions of it : I repeat several times two bytes in the input
file and I get several two other bytes at the output.

Any idea to solve this ? Is it possible that the decoding block takes
a bad phase (maybe due to quadrature demodulation)? If so, what block
can I use to make the phase correction ?


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Jérémy Skelton [email protected]

To problem is that I’m not able to recover the original data but only the
repetitions of it : I repeat several times two bytes in the input file and I
get several two other bytes at the output.

It looks like you have the endianess wrong. The DBPSK modulator works
MSB to LSB on the incoming bytes, while your demodulator is packing
the bits back into bytes LSB to MSB.
