Using import CSV with params

Hi Guys,

I am using import CSV to import from a csv file to my database in my
rails app. I want to be able to be able to add a list of email
addresses from this file but also include the mailinglist_id which is
a param[:id] on my page in the database entry. So in effect adding a
csv of emails to any mailing list.

I am just a little unclear as to how I add the extra field when adding
the data to the database… any help would be great!!

Database table “mailings” is as follows…

mailinglist_id, id, name, email_address

import_csv controller

def csv_import
file = params[:csv_import][:file]
Mailing.transaction do
FasterCSV.parse(file, :headers => true) do |row|
logcount += 1
flash[:notice] = “Successfully imported #{logcount} email(s)
from mailing list.”
redirect_to :action => :index
rescue => exception
# If an exception is thrown, the transaction rolls back and we
end up in this rescue block
error = ERB::Util.h(exception.to_s) # get the error and HTML
escape it
flash[:error] = “Error adding list. (#{error}). Please try
redirect_to :action => :index


<% form_for :csv_import, :url=>{ :controller=>“import_csv”, :action =>
:html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>

<%= f.label :file, 'Import mail list file' %>
<%= f.file_field :file -%>

<%= submit_tag "Submit" %>

<% end %>

if I get this right, in this line:
you want to add the :malinglist_id from params[:id]

that should work:
Mailing.create!(row.to_hash.merge!({:malinglist_id => params[:id]}))

Hi denver,

denver wrote:

I am using import CSV to import from a csv file to my database
in my rails app. I want to be able to be able to add a list of email
addresses from this file but also include the mailinglist_id which is
a param[:id] on my page in the database entry. So in effect adding
a csv of emails to any mailing list.

I am just a little unclear as to how I add the extra field when adding
the data to the database… any help would be great!!

The easiest way might be to add a hidden field to your form to pass the
controller the mailinglist_id. I’ve added a little code below
that might do the trick.


Database table “mailings” is as follows…

mailinglist_id, id, name, email_address

import_csv controller

def csv_import

  •   mailing_list_id = params[:mailing_list_id]
  file = params[:csv_import][:file]
  Mailing.transaction do
    FasterCSV.parse(file, :headers => true) do |row|
  •       Mailing.mailing_list_id = mailing_list_id

escape it
flash[:error] = “Error adding list. (#{error}). Please try
redirect_to :action => :index


<% form_for :csv_import, :url=>{ :controller=>“import_csv”, :action =>
:html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>

<%= f.label :file, 'Import mail list file' %>
<%= f.file_field :file -%>

  • <%= hidden_field_tag(‘mailing_list_id’, ‘a local or an instance

<%= submit_tag "Submit" %>

<% end %>