Method_missing change in activerecord 2.2?

Ouch man, after going all my app to 2.2 , only fun…
The last darn thing I forgot to test, an old legacy table I need to
connect sometimes… broke…

To resume it, which change in ar could have broken this?

I can`t get my methods to fallback to the upcased ones anymore…

DB Column => UP_FIELD

find_by_up_field , works in 2.1
undefined method `find_by_up_field’ for #Class:0xb62a4340, on 2.2

@model.up_field, same thing.
This works:

On Nov 27, 1:34 am, nofxx [email protected] wrote:

Ouch man, after going all my app to 2.2 , only fun…
The last darn thing I forgot to test, an old legacy table I need to
connect sometimes… broke…

To resume it, which change in ar could have broken this?

It’s overriding extract_attribute_names_from_match which doesn’t exist
any more (see this commit:



Morning Frederick,

I changed to " find (:first, :conditions…" then it works.
It`s just 3 calls, will try fixing the class later.
Thank you.

On Nov 27, 5:43 am, Frederick C. [email protected]