Sqlite3 no longer found after upgrading to Rails 2.2 on MacOS

I’ve updated to the Rails 2.2 gem and now I can’t run Rails because I
get an error it cannot find SQLite3. I was running just fine under
2.1.2 with SQlite3. I’m on a Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) system.

gem list rails
rails (2.2.2, 2.1.2, 2.0.2)
rails-app-installer (0.2.0)

gem list sqlite
sqlite3-ruby (1.2.4)

which sqlite3

I know SQLite is installed and working because I can go into it from
the command line. For some reason though Rails is not able to find
it. Any ideas on how to fix this? (I’ve already tried reinstalling
sqlite3-ruby - sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby, but that doesn’t help).

Faenglir:testapp nicholas$ script/server
=> Booting Mongrel (use ‘script/server webrick’ to force WEBrick)
=> Rails 2.2.2 application starting on
=> Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
** Starting Mongrel listening at
** Starting Rails with development environment…
** Rails loaded.
** Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins
** Signals ready. TERM => stop. USR2 => restart. INT => stop (no
** Rails signals registered. HUP => reload (without restart). It
might not work well.
** Mongrel 1.1.5 available at
** Use CTRL-C to stop.

Processing Rails::InfoController#properties (for at
2008-11-22 08:44:20) [GET]

Processing Rails::InfoController#properties (for at
2008-11-22 08:44:21) [GET]

MissingSourceFile (no such file to load – sqlite3):
gem_original_require' /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in require’
dependencies.rb:153:in require' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.2.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:521:in new_constants_in’
dependencies.rb:153:in require' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.2.2/lib/active_support/ core_ext/kernel/requires.rb:7:in require_library_or_gem’
core_ext/kernel/reporting.rb:11:in silence_warnings' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.2.2/lib/active_support/ core_ext/kernel/requires.rb:5:in require_library_or_gem’
connection_adapters/sqlite3_adapter.rb:10:in sqlite3_connection' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/ connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:223:in send’
new_connection' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/ connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:245:in checkout_new_connection’
connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:188:in checkout' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/ connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:184:in loop’
connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:184:in checkout' /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:242:in synchronize’
connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:183:in checkout' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/ connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:98:in connection’
retrieve_connection' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/ connection_adapters/abstract/connection_specification.rb:121:in retrieve_connection’
connection' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.2.2/lib/active_record/ query_cache.rb:8:in cache’
caching/sql_cache.rb:12:in perform_action' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/ base.rb:524:in send’
base.rb:524:in process_without_filters' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/ filters.rb:606:in process_without_session_management_support’
session_management.rb:134:in process' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/ base.rb:392:in process’
dispatcher.rb:183:in handle_request' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/ dispatcher.rb:110:in dispatch_unlocked’
dispatcher.rb:123:in dispatch' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/ dispatcher.rb:122:in synchronize’
dispatcher.rb:122:in dispatch' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/action_controller/ dispatcher.rb:132:in dispatch_cgi’
dispatcher.rb:39:in dispatch' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/../lib/mongrel/ rails.rb:76:in process’
rails.rb:74:in synchronize' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/../lib/mongrel/ rails.rb:74:in process’
process_client' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/lib/mongrel.rb:158:in each’
process_client' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/lib/mongrel.rb:285:in run’
initialize' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/lib/mongrel.rb:285:in new’
run' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/lib/mongrel.rb:268:in initialize’
new' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/lib/mongrel.rb:268:in run’
configurator.rb:282:in run' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/lib/mongrel/ configurator.rb:281:in each’
configurator.rb:281:in run' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/mongrel_rails:128:in run’
212:in run' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/mongrel_rails:281 /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.2.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:142:in load_without_new_constant_marking’
dependencies.rb:142:in load' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.2.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:521:in new_constants_in’
dependencies.rb:142:in load' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/commands/servers/ mongrel.rb:64 /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in gem_original_require’
/Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in require' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.2.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:153:in require’
dependencies.rb:521:in new_constants_in' /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.2.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:153:in require’
gem_original_require' /Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in require’

Rendered /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/
action_controller/templates/rescues/_trace (27.5ms)
Rendered /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/
action_controller/templates/rescues/_request_and_response (0.6ms)
Rendering /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.2.2/lib/
action_controller/templates/rescues/layout.erb (internal_server_error)

RubyGems Environment:

  • RUBY VERSION: 1.8.6 (2008-03-03 patchlevel 114) [universal-
  • INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8
  • RUBY EXECUTABLE: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/
    • ruby
    • universal-darwin-9
    • /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8
    • /Users/nicholas/.gem/ruby/1.8
    • /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/

Ok - I found out what it was … damn Merb!!


After I removed this gem (which is a dependency installed by Merb)
everything went back to working right. I reinstalled the gem, and I
get the same error again. So there’s something going on between Rails
and this particular gem - although I’m not smart enough to figure out
what, nor have time to.

So if you’re running into the same issue I would just take out that
gem - but it probably means you can’t use SQLite with your Merb
applications. I have to wonder if this was done on purpose as a sort
of sabotage, since there is this religious war going on with Merb and

<< I have to wonder if this was done on purpose as a sort
of sabotage, since there is this religious war going on with Merb and
Rails. >>

Wow, that’s some serious accusations there.

First off, DataMapper is not developed by the Merb team. do_sqlite3 is
a separate driver letting you use DM and Sqlite3. In the Rails world,
ActiveRecord deals with the various drivers by knowing a lot about
them and their APIs. In the DataMapper world, the drivers were re
written to match the DataObject API (so DM doesn’t have to figure out
how each adapter/driver works).

If the problem you’re having can be reproduced that means few things.
First, you wouldn’t be able to use ActiveRecord/Rails and DataMapper
on the same system using Sqlite3. DataMapper is used by other
frameworks/scripts than Merb and some people even hack Rails to use
DM. Secondly ActiveRecord nor DM should touch sqlite3 so it seems
pretty strange. On windows, both frameworks do require a sqlite3.dll
to be available on the system and they might fight over which version
to use but you seem to be on MacOSX.

Regarding the “religious war” you are referring to, I don’t know why
you say that. As a Merb team member I can assure you that there is not
such a thing. We do not agree on the way Rails does few things, but
there is no war. And it is certainly not something personal. As
mentioned before, we have a lot of respect for DHH and the rest of the
Rails team. Without them, I wouldn’t do what I do now and Merb would
not even exist. So, please don’t mention some crazy sabotage theories
and maybe people will stop thinking that there is a war going on.

Finally, while I was replying to your messages, I installed Rails
2.2.2, upgraded mongrel to 1.1.5 and made sure I was on DM 0.9.7 with
do_sqlite3 0.9.7 and I can’t reproduce your problem.

If you upload a test app, I’d be glad to look at it and try to figure
out what’s going on.



My bad, akita from AkitaOnRails.com told me how to reproduce the

  1. generate a new app
  2. rake db:migrate


I’ll look into it or get someone to look into it.

  • Matt

I had this problem as well. I can confirm that do_sqlite3 has been
fixed and I am no longer having this problem.

To fix: just make sure your do_sqlite3 is at 0.9.9, and uninstall all
the old versions of do_sqlite3.

Thanks, Scott. I’m really very new at rails; could you tell me exactly
what I need to do to replace do_sqlite3? I don’t see it in the list of
installed gems.


Alright, so after few minutes working with some of the Rails guys and
some other Ruby experts like Evan P., we found the problem. The
source is that do_sqlite3 ships with a windows dll called sqlite3.dll
and that Ruby was trying to load this file instead of the proper lib.

Libs should be properly namespaced but in this case, that’s really a
DM/do problem and I believe it should be fixed relatively soon.

Thanks for reporting the bug tho.


Regarding the “religious war” you are referring to, I don’t know why
you say that. As a Merb team member I can assure you that there is not
such a thing. We do not agree on the way Rails does few things, but
there is no war. And it is certainly not something personal. As
mentioned before, we have a lot of respect for DHH and the rest of the
Rails team. Without them, I wouldn’t do what I do now and Merb would
not even exist. So, please don’t mention some crazy sabotage theories
and maybe people will stop thinking that there is a war going on.

After all, aren’t they going to merge in Rails 3? :slight_smile:

Cheers, Sazima