Should this work? - "validates_inclusion_of :start_date, :in => ( - 100.years)..(Tim

wondering if should this work? - “validates_inclusion_of :start_date,
:in => ( - 100.years)…( + 100.years)”
(doesn’t seem to for me)

i.e. should I be able to “validates_inclusion_of” to do date validation.

class GraphOptions < ActiveRecord::BaseWithoutTable
column :start_date, :date
validates_inclusion_of :start_date, :in => ( -
100.years)…( + 100.years)



validates_inclusion_of is looking for :in to be an enumeration. In a
simple case (one day granularity) you’re asking for a list that’s
365.25 * 200 => 73050 items long.

My guess is it’s a good thing it didn’t work :wink:

Maybe you want to go for a min/max check here.


On Nov 20, 11:22 am, “Greg H.” [email protected]

I’ve actually run with the following:

def validate
errors.add(‘start_date’, ‘is not in Date format’) if
errors.add(‘end_date’, ‘is not in Date format’) if

Its seems that the Rails controller tries to convert it to Date and
either succeeds or fails (without throwing an exception). So I just
test to see at the subsequent validate stage whether there is a Date
object or not

Right, but back to your initial question, I don’t think my initial
answer was even close to the mark.

I believe the problem you’re having is that the validates_inclusion is
looking for an enumeration hanging off the :in. i.e. [1,2,3,4,5] or
1…5 will work but (My Name Is Frank)…(Your N. Is Louie) somehow
doesn’t look right, does it?

You’re doing :in => (Sun, 22 Nov 1908)…(Sun, 22 Nov 2108)
which just isn’t going to happen. Try converting to Julian days, that
way you’ll be bounded with two positive integers.


On Nov 21, 8:08 pm, “Greg H.” [email protected]

Greg - you might take a look at time_with_zone.rb in ActiveSupport -
I’m looking at 2.2.0 but I know it’s in 2.1.2 as well.

a =
a.is_a?(Time) => true
a = “My name is Fred”
a.is_a?(Time) => false

Maybe closer to what you need?


On 21 Nov 2008, at 19:22, Rick wrote:


validates_inclusion_of is looking for :in to be an enumeration. In a
simple case (one day granularity) you’re asking for a list that’s
365.25 * 200 => 73050 items long.

ranges are enumerable and ruby is smart enough to keep it as a range, eg

r = (-1000000000…1000000000)
does not create a 2 billion element array


thanks - I’m specifically looking at Dates so I might stick with the
below that seems to be working fine…

errors.add('start_date', 'is not in Date format') if



Hello Greg,

So here it is. After a couple of mail exchanges with Fred, I need to
tell you that I was wrong from the start. Your initial code as given,

validates_inclusion_of :start_date, :in =>
( - 100.years)…( + 100.years)

will work in the case where :start_date is the name of one of your
records fields and is a member of the Time class.

Sorry if my confused meander wasted too much of your time.

Thanks for your help Fred.


On Nov 22, 1:52 pm, “Greg H.” [email protected]