Ruby-openid is breaking my rake


I’m having a weird problem:

[~/rails/hip]# rake routes
(in /home/mydomain/rails/hip)
Missing these required gems:
ruby-openid >= 2.0.4

You’re running:
ruby at /usr/bin/ruby
rubygems 1.3.1 at /home/mydomain/.gem/ruby/1.8, /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

Run rake gems:install to install the missing gems.

I found it when trying to run a migration with rake.
BUT the ruby-openid gem is installed and is working in the application,
I can use it.

This is what I have in the environment.rb:
ENV[‘GEM_PATH’] = ‘/home/mydomain/ruby/gems’

Removing that causes the app not to start.

This is what I get with gem env:

RubyGems Environment:

  • RUBY VERSION: 1.8.6 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 287) [x86_64-linux]
  • INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /home/mydomain/ruby/gems
  • RUBY EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/ruby
  • EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: /home/mydomain/ruby/gems/bin
    • ruby
    • x86_64-linux
    • /home/mydomain/ruby/gems
    • /home/mydomain/.gem/ruby/1.8
    • /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
    • :update_sources => true
    • :verbose => true
    • :benchmark => false
    • :backtrace => false
    • :bulk_threshold => 1000
    • “gem” => “–remote --gen-rdoc --run-tests”
    • “gemhome” => “/home/mydomain/ruby/gems”
    • “gempath” =>
    • “rdoc” => “–inline-source --line-numbers”

Any hints anyone??

Btw it is funny that running gem which ruby-openid gives:
Can’t find ruby library file or shared library ruby-openid

But that should be ok, I get the same in my local environment.

Thank you in advance.

Hi, any ideas anyone why a gem wouldn’t be found even if I can use it?
And it would break the rake command?

I guess it is some configuration but I can’t get it to work.



Still fighting with this one. I think the problem is actually the
open_id_authentication plugin, not the ruby-openid gem.

This is the init.rb of the pluging, which should be ok and up to rails
2.x changes.

if config.respond_to?(:gems)
config.gem ‘ruby-openid’, :lib => ‘openid’, :version => ‘>=2.0.4’
require ‘openid’
rescue LoadError
gem ‘ruby-openid’, ‘>=2.0.4’
rescue Gem::LoadError
puts “Install the ruby-openid gem to enable OpenID support”

config.to_prepare do
ActionController::Base.send :include, OpenIdAuthentication

But still running rake gives:

[~/rails/try]# rake
(in /home/mydomain/rails/try)
Missing these required gems:
ruby-openid >= 2.0.4

You’re running:
ruby at /usr/bin/ruby
rubygems 1.3.1 at /home/mydomain/.gem/ruby/1.8, /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

Run rake gems:install to install the missing gems.

Lots of googling lately but no real hints how to solve it.
As mentioned the funny thing is that I can use openid in the app with no
problems. The feature works.


The call should be:

 gem 'ruby-openid', :lib => 'openid'

The name of the file to be required is ‘openid’ and not ruby-openid.

Maurício Linhares (pt-br) |
João Pessoa, PB, +55 83 8867-7208

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 6:05 PM, comopasta Gr

Hey, Mauricio thanks a lot for dropping by.

The call should be:
gem ‘ruby-openid’, :lib => ‘openid’

Isn’t that covered with this line in the init.rb?
config.gem ‘ruby-openid’, :lib => ‘openid’, :version => ‘>=2.0.4’

Maybe I didn’t get your point. Do you mean a similar call is needed
somewhere else?


Oh, i’m sorry, i missed it, just saw the::

 gem 'ruby-openid', '>=2.0.4'

Maurício Linhares (pt-br) |
João Pessoa, PB, +55 83 8867-7208

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 6:20 PM, comopasta Gr


Gbesch thanks for the hints.

I don’t own the server so I guess I can’t go too deep with the settings.
But if it was a problem with users shouldn’t affect other plugins as
well. I run other plugins and the problem only occurs when
open_id_authentication is in the vendor/plugins folder.

I have not problem with using the gem or the plugin at all. What I’m
doing now is that whenever I need to run a rake command, migrate of
something I remove the plugin, do the stuff and then put it back. It is
crappy but works. When I have my own server it will be different (I


Hi, any ideas anyone why a gem wouldn’t be found even if I can use it?

I had a similar problem a while back.

I’d upgraded from ruby 1.8.6 to 1.8.7 and the default installation
path changed from /usr/bin to /usr/local/bin. I upgraded rubygems at
the same time and reinstalled all my gems, so I had two complete
versions of both ruby and rubygems on my system.

After the upgrade things got strange. When I ran any of my ruby
scripts from the console they worked perfectly, but when I ran them
from the rails app it couldn’t find a couple of recently-installed

It finally dawned upon me that it was a difference in paths: I was
running the console as user ‘root’, but the rails app was being run
under a mongrel cluster as user ‘mongrel’. I set a global path to
ruby for all users in /etc/profile and restarted the mongrels, and
suddenly the rails app started working :wink:

On Nov 6, 2:41 am, Pod C. [email protected]