Functional testing with filters

How do I do functional tests on controller methods protected by before
filters, without using the soon-to-be-deprecated “follow_redirect”?

Say I have a method called index, filtered by check_login. If the
user is not logged in, they get redirected to the login method, which
logs them in and directs them to index. In my functional tests, I can
hit index like this:

post :login, :user => {login params}

If I can’t use “follow_redirect”, how do I set up my tests so the
controller treats the test methods as logged in?

On Nov 5, 7:04 pm, Ed [email protected] wrote:


If I can’t use “follow_redirect”, how do I set up my tests so the
controller treats the test methods as logged in?

fake up the session with what would be there if the user were logged
in (eg @request.session[:user_id] = users(:bob).id)


But of course. Thanks!

On Nov 5, 2:43 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]