What's wrong about this chomp code?

when I was running this code

File.open(“1c.txt”) do |f|
while line= f.gets.chomp;
p line ;

why they warning with the message below?

private method ‘chomp’ called for nil:NilClass
from ok.rb:2:in ‘open’
from ok.rb:2

Alle Wednesday 05 November 2008, Zhenning G. ha scritto:

private method ‘chomp’ called for nil:NilClass
from ok.rb:2:in ‘open’
from ok.rb:2

Because chomp will be called on the value returned by f.gets, even when
nil. You need to move the call to chomp inside the while loop:

while line=f.gets
line = line.chomp #or simply line.chomp!

You can also add a rescue clause inside the condition of the while loop:

while (line = f.gets.chomp rescue nil)

This way, when f.gets returns nil and the NoMethodError exception is
the exception is rescued and line is set to nil, which causes the loop
to end.

I hope this helps


Stefano C. wrote:

This way, when f.gets returns nil and the NoMethodError exception is
the exception is rescued and line is set to nil, which causes the loop
to end.

I hope this helps


Thank you for help me understand it. :slight_smile:

Lloyd L. wrote:

File.open(‘1c.txt’).each { |line| puts line.chomp }

File.foreach(‘1c.txt’) {|line| puts line}

File.foreach is better than File.open(…).each because that way the
file is
closed right away (with your code open returns a file object that you
throw away after calling each on it, so you can’t call close on it). And
doing puts file.chomp is pointless as puts will just readd the \n
removed by


Zhenning G. wrote:

when I was running this code

File.open(“1c.txt”) do |f|
while line= f.gets.chomp;
p line ;

why they warning with the message below?

private method ‘chomp’ called for nil:NilClass
from ok.rb:2:in ‘open’
from ok.rb:2

This might be easier:
File.open(‘1c.txt’).each { |line| puts line.chomp }