How to send mail with High priority

Hi all

 I try to send mail by net::smtp. it works fine.
But I don't know how to send high priority mails.
who can help me for this ?



2008/11/4 Sandy [email protected]:

Hi all

I try to send mail by net::smtp. it works fine.

But I don’t know how to send high priority mails.
who can help me for this ?


Add Priority: Urgent and Importance: High headers like this:

Net::SMTP.start(‘’, 25) do |smtp|
smtp.open_message_stream(‘[email protected]’, [‘[email protected]’]) do
f.puts ‘Priority: Urgent’
f.puts ‘Importance: High’
f.puts ‘From: [email protected]
f.puts ‘To: [email protected]
f.puts ‘Subject: test message’
f.puts ‘This is a test message.’

Hope this helps
Park H.

Heesob P. wrote:

Add Priority: Urgent and Importance: High headers like this:

Which are, of course, ignored by virtually every MTA on the planet,
since RFC 2822 does not define these headers, nor the way they should be

However they might be highlighted with a flag in the receiver’s MUA
though, depending on what MUA they use, and perhaps that’s all you want.

There’s a list of non-standard or experimental headers you can try in
RFC 2076 (see esp. section 3.9)