Data Structs in Ruby


How would the implementation of such a stack or queue, and Ruby, already
has something “ready” to handle …


I sorry but my english is not very good.

Array can act as a stack as it has #pop and #last. It can also act as a
queue as it also has #first and #shift. You can wrap this functionality
in a Queue and Stack classes to make it more explicit if you like.

Bilyk, Alex wrote:

Array can act as a stack as it has #pop and #last. It can also act as a
queue as it also has #first and #shift. You can wrap this functionality
in a Queue and Stack classes to make it more explicit if you like.

Included in the Ruby standard library:

irb(main):001:0> require ‘thread’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> q =
=> #Queue:0xb7d753e0
irb(main):003:0> q.push “abc”
=> #Queue:0xb7d753e0
irb(main):004:0> q.pop
=> “abc”

This queue object is thread-safe. There is also SizedQueue, which blocks
pushes when the queue reaches a certain size, until another element has
been popped.

On 31.10.2008 22:27, Bilyk, Alex wrote:

Array can act as a stack as it has #pop and #last.

It even has #push.

It can also act as a queue as it also has #first and #shift.

You can use #push and #shift or #unshift and #pop for queue behavior.
Plus there is Queue as Brian mentioned.

