Passing more than one parameters to redirect_to


I am getting some error which I am clue less. I try to pass more than
one parameter with redirect_to, For example,

My params are…
search => {“name”=>"", “bus_group”=>“1”, “region”=>"", “unapproved”=>"",

And I try to give.

redirect_to params[:search].merge! (:action => ‘list’)

After executing this if I see in log file its showing like

{“bus_group”=>nil, “name”=>"", “amp;region”=>nil, “amp;tech_owner”=>nil,
“region”=>"", “amp”=>"", “action”=>“list”, “amp;name”=>nil,
“controller”=>“tech_projects”, “amp;unapproved”=>nil, “unapproved”=>"",

I am confused why this “amp;” generally “&” will be parameter separator
but one parameter itself called “amp;”.also every params are available

Is there any other solution to solve this situation??

Selva R. wrote:


My params are…
search => {“name”=>"", “bus_group”=>“1”, “region”=>"", “unapproved”=>"",

redirect_to params[:search].merge! (:action => ‘list’)

{“bus_group”=>nil, “name”=>"", “amp;region”=>nil, “amp;tech_owner”=>nil,
“region”=>"", “amp”=>"", “action”=>“list”, “amp;name”=>nil,
“controller”=>“tech_projects”, “amp;unapproved”=>nil, “unapproved”=>"",

Selva R. wrote:

but one parameter itself called “amp;”.also every params are available

Mmmm, try redirect_to {:action => :list}.update(params[:search])

Rails Wheels - Find Plugins, List & Sell Plugins -

I use something like this to pass extra params on restful routes.
Notice the extra params inside the {}.

redirect_to user_path(@user, {:params1 => 1, :params2 => 2})

Hope it helps,


On Oct 27, 2:29 am, Selva R. [email protected]

Thanks James,

But its not working, I am using redirect_to in rjs.

If I use “update”, that RJS itself not working.


Mark Reginald J. wrote:

Selva R. wrote:

but one parameter itself called “amp;”.also every params are available

Mmmm, try redirect_to {:action => :list}.update(params[:search])

Rails Wheels - Find Plugins, List & Sell Plugins -

nas wrote:

Whenever you pass more than one parameter in an rjs using redirect_to
then it always adds & in the beginning of parameters after the
first one. I had this issue as well in the past and after spending
hours to fix it, I ended up using only redirect_to instead of
redirect_to from rjs (basically I couldn’t sort it out).

My guess is that, & is added by prototype somehow.

Try using:
:escape => false

as an additinal Parameter.

Whenever you pass more than one parameter in an rjs using redirect_to
then it always adds & in the beginning of parameters after the
first one. I had this issue as well in the past and after spending
hours to fix it, I ended up using only redirect_to instead of
redirect_to from rjs (basically I couldn’t sort it out).

My guess is that, & is added by prototype somehow.